A Time for Decision

The doctor explained the situation calmly, avoiding histrionics.  First of all, they didn’t know whether the dog had rabies. Secondly, the elusive dog had frustrated all attempts to find him so far. Finally, the decision would have to be made whether Bobby was to undergo  the painful vaccination administered daily for two weeks. Mrs. Hart …


As soon as Jerry Hart could get the pertinent facts from his wife, he dashed out of the office on his way home. He jostled people in the hallway, implored the elevator operator to hurry, and with flagrant disregard for an elderly gentleman jumped into the cab he had hailed. The twenty minute taxi ride …

Jerry Hart’s Sixth Sense

An uneasy feeling had made Jerry hart miserable all day long. It was difficult to explain, but similar sensations in the past had been accurate – trouble was on the way. Just as some people can predict the onset of inclement weather because of an aching in their bones, so could Jerry detect the incipient …

Bigots Get Publicity

Today, the blatant bigot, the leader of a lunatic fringe, and the hate monger, each with his tiny entourage, find it relatively easy to attract publicity. Newspapers give space to the virulent activities of those agitators on the grounds that they are newsworthy. T.V. producers and radio executives, seeking for sensationalism, often extend a welcome …

Coping With Bigot

Suppose a bigot wished to organize a meeting in your neighborhood. Since we cherish freedom of speech, we are loath to deny the request, even if he preaches hatred. As a result, hate-mongers are given the opportunity to rent halls, conduct meetings, publish abusive literature, and solicit contributions. What can be done about them? One …

Just Spell the Name Correctly

P.T. Barnum, the great circus impresario, was once accosted by a woman who showed him a scurrilous manuscript about himself, and said unless he paid her, she would have the book printed. Barnum rejected the extortion attempt. “Say what you please,” he replied, “but make sure that you mention me in some way. Then come …

Vocabulary’s Strenght is Very Important

Vocabulary’s Strenght is Very Important

Pengantar Artikel di bawah ini saya ambil dari Buku 1100 Words You Need to Know, edisi kedua. Fotocopy buku tersebut saya dapatkan dari teman saya yang ambil kursus TOEFL di Sam College Bandung. Waktu itu saya yang bahasa Inggrisnya pas-pasan, setengah mati buat memahami kalimat demi kalimat yang dibahas di buku itu. Apalagi sekitar tahun …

Promise To Keep

From August, 1959 until his death in January, 1961, Dooley suffered almost continuous, excruciating pain. His normal weight of 180 was cut in half, and even the pain-killing drugs could no longer bring relief. Knowing that he did not have long to live, Dr. Dooley worked without respite on behalf of MEDICO, the organization he …

Stymied By Personal Sickness

After an extensive lecture tour in 1956, Dr. Dooley returned to Laos to set up a mobile medical unit. Because the Geneva Agreement barred the entrance of military personnel to the country, he resigned from the navy and went to work as a civilian. That story is told in THE EDGE OF TOMORROW. Next year, …

Dooley’s Mission

Aboard the refugee ship, Dooley’s destiny took shape. He became paintfully cognizant of the malnutrition, disease, ignorance, and fear that afflicted the natives. In addition, he discerned how active the communist had been in spreading their anti-American propaganda. Tom Dooley pitched in to build shelters in Haipong and to comfort the poor Vietnamese there before …