Terjemahan dari demolish verba menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, shatter meruntuhkan tear down, overthrow, demolish, raze, pull down, knock down memusnahkan destroy, exterminate, eradicate, wipe out, kill, demolish menggempur storm, demolish, pound, attack and destroy membongkar unload, dismantle, disassemble, unpack, pry, demolish melumpuhkan paralyze, cripple, disable, immobilize, stifle, demolish Definisi demolish verba pull or …
Terjemahan dari habitation nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place kediaman residence, dwelling, house, habitation, residency, rooms tempat kediaman residence, house, habitation, residency, dwelling, houseroom pemukiman settlement, habitation permukiman settlement, habitation mukim habitation tempat kedudukan seat, site, habitation tempat untuk didiami habitation kampung village, town, hutment, habitation Definisi habitation nomina the state …
Terjemahan dari coronation nomina pemahkotaan coronation penabalan coronation upacara naik takhta coronation penyelesaian sukses coronation Definisi coronation nomina the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign’s consort. It is here the kings of Nepal have long been crowned and their coronations solemnized. Sinonim nomina investiture, enthronement, enthronization Contoh We decided to delay this ceremony …
Terjemahan dari tenet nomina prinsip principle, tenet, fundamental, truth, principium ajaran teachings, doctrine, gospel, school, tenet, theory pendirian establishment, stance, foundation, construction, stand, tenet pendapat opinion, think, idea, notion, point, tenet paham understanding, concept, view, tenet, credo, fathom keyakinan confidence, belief, faith, conviction, assurance, tenet Definisi tenet nomina a principle or belief, especially one of …
Terjemahan dari jeopardy nomina bahaya danger, hazard, risk, peril, jeopardy, distress risiko risk, chance, hazard, peril, jeopardy, cast Definisi jeopardy nomina danger of loss, harm, or failure. Michael’s job was not in jeopardy sinonim: in danger, in peril, at risk Sinonim nomina in danger, in peril, at risk peril, risk, hazard, endangerment Contoh “Times ” …