
Terjemahan dari pimp
pimp, procurer, pander, brothel keeper
pimp, matchmaker, procuress
pander, pimp
pimp, procurer
needlework, stitch, procurer, pimp
moneylender, pimp
Definisi pimp
a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return.
She used to drive even prostitutes and their pimps to clients but, as she says, ‘now they have got rich and have their own cars, and do not hire taxis any more’.
sinonim: procurer, procuress, brothel-keeper, pander, madam, bawd
act as a pimp.
There are enormous differences between the type and numbers of women working in the two cities, and in the patterns of drug use, pimping and off-street trade.
make (something) more showy or impressive.
he pimped up the car with spoilers and twin-spoke 18-inch alloys
  • procurer, procuress, brothel-keeper, pander, madam, bawd
  • pandar, procurer, fancy man, ponce, pander, panderer
  • procure, pander
The queen of reggae takes no hostages in defining the beauty as raised to pimp men with money.
Hanna soon begins to imitate Nana, a prostitute for an abusive pimp , and appropriates Nana’s signature line ‘I am responsible.’
Now, if every prostitute who fears her pimp is a sex slave, then under Landesman’s definition, most American prostitutes are sex slaves!
The show is set in a Hillbrow brothel called Wild Cats, and follows the lives of prostitutes, their pimpand the club’s owner, a ruthless Nigerian called Christian Mubara.
Next, a businessman from Alberta Avenue, Edmonton’s most notorious stroll, tells the group about watching a pimp beat a prostitute in his parking lot.
You know, young men and young women thinking ‘I can become a stripper, a prostitute or a pimp and have an easy life’ and didn’t know the reality of that life.
One of the Cuban band joins me outside in my quest to pimp customers, and gives me a sip of wine.
We also know when someone is trying to pimp us for money, too.
When they stick in those perfume insert things, how come they always smell the same, no matter what fragrance they’re trying to pimp you?
After more multiple rapes stretched over several weeks, he took her to a nightclub to pimp her – and she saw her moment for escape.
I reminded him bluntly about his reaction last week to the comments of the man who used to pimphim, and I elicited tears.
they’d pimp on you as soon as look at you
For the past few years, I have eagerly anticipated the chance, even trying to pimp copies from people I know who may have been connected to the project.
A pimp’s bottom girl or wife-in-law often worked the track in his stead, running interference for and collecting money from the pimp ‘s other prostitutes.
Just when you think things can’t get any worse, Chloe gets mixed up with a couple of likely lads, who try to pimp her as a child prostitute, and then Kelly too abandons her.
I have to go right back almost to slavery to think of anything more exploitative than what we are proposing to do in this bill in terms of brothel keeping, pimping , and procuring.
During peak periods, the red light district, located near Tanjung Priok sea port in North Jakarta, was home to 1,600 prostitutes and 260 pimps , occupying 221 brothels.
Roaming the streets along with him were numerous pimps , prostitutes, and others who were ‘looking for a good time.’
Instead, it is about the decriminalisation of the peripheral businesses surrounding prostitution – such things as pimping , brothel keeping, trafficking in young women, and drugs.
The detective said the business ‘flopped’ once locals heard that the man was involved in pimping .
There are enormous differences between the type and numbers of women working in the two cities, and in the patterns of drug use, pimping and off-street trade.
The game has players engage in pimping , whoring, selling drugs and committing acts of violence to move around the board.
She was pimping me out like I was some kind of whore, and there was nothing I could do about it.
Well, if the American Dream involves pimping your wife on the Web, then I reckon he’s right about that.
In her increasingly desperate attempts to survive, Leigh-Anne ends up pimping a local girl out to a pervert for £20 to spend on fresh milk and candles.
Lloyd says the act of girls pimping girls is in fact probably very rare.
She used to drive even prostitutes and their pimps to clients but, as she says, ‘now they have got rich and have their own cars, and do not hire taxis any more’.
The others were forced into prostitution by pimps , small-time opportunists, and organized rings.
They would record street sounds, talking pimps , junkies and prostitutes and create art videos.
But, worldwide, millions – billions – of dollars are made out of prostitution, and I believe that this bill is about the opportunity to increase the profit for pimping and for brothel keeping.
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