Terjemahan dari hereditary adjektiva turun temurun hereditary warisan hereditary, inheritable, patrimonial pusaka hereditary Definisi hereditary adjektiva (of a title, office, or right) conferred by or based on inheritance. members of the ancient Polish aristocracy who had hereditary right to elect the king Sinonim adjektiva inherited, bequeathed, willed, handed-down, passed-down, passed-on, transferred, ancestral,family, familial genetic, congenital, …
Terjemahan dari combative adjektiva agresif aggressive, combative, militant pejuang combatant, combative yg bertempur combatant, combative Definisi combative adjektiva ready or eager to fight; pugnacious. he made some enemies with his combative style sinonim: pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic, quarrelsome, argumentative, contentious, hostile, truculent, belligerent, bellicose, militant, spoiling for a fight Sinonim adjektiva pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic, quarrelsome, argumentative, …
Insurectionist artinya pemberontak atau pengacau Beerapa contoh kalimat : Comments comments
Terjemahan dari bait nomina umpan bait, decoy, fodder, forage, enticement, victim verba memikat lure, attract, entice, enthrall, fascinate, bait mengumpani bait, entice menyerang attack, strike, assault, strike out, assail, bait menyiksa torture, torment, punish, strain, persecute, bait Definisi bait nomina food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. herrings make excellent bait for …
Terjemahan dari rampage verba mengamuk rampage, rage, go berserk, ramp, ruffle, bluster meluap overflow, spill, flood, boil over, brim, rampage nomina amuk amok, amuck, fury, rampage, ramp, amock Definisi rampage nomina a period of violent and uncontrollable behavior, typically involving a large group of people. thugs went on a rampage and wrecked a classroom verba …