Terjemahan dari demolish verba menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, shatter meruntuhkan tear down, overthrow, demolish, raze, pull down, knock down memusnahkan destroy, exterminate, eradicate, wipe out, kill, demolish menggempur storm, demolish, pound, attack and destroy membongkar unload, dismantle, disassemble, unpack, pry, demolish melumpuhkan paralyze, cripple, disable, immobilize, stifle, demolish Definisi demolish verba pull or …
Terjemahan dari obviate verba meniadakan negate, abolish, exclude, nullify, obviate, deny menghindarkan avoid, spare, avert, preclude, obviate, waive menyingkirkan get rid of, remove, rule out, eliminate, do away, obviate Definisi obviate verba remove (a need or difficulty). the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains sinonim: preclude, prevent, remove, get rid of, do away with, …
Terjemahan dari rough adjektiva kasar rude, rough, coarse, bearish, rugged, crude kesat rough, abrasive, coarse, shaggy, hard-handed gerutu rough, coarse gabas rough, coarse berat heavy, severe, serious, tough, strenuous, rough sukar difficult, tough, inconvenient, complicated, arduous, rough buruk bad, poor, shabby, ill, nasty, rough geradakan uneven, rough, coarse dlm garis besar scratch, sketchy, rough cowboy …
Terjemahan dari yore nomina masa lampau past, yesteryear, yore, foretime jaman dahulu antiquity, yore, long-ago masa tadi foretime, past, yore, yesteryear Definisi yore nomina of long ago or former times (used in nostalgic or mock-nostalgic recollection). a great empire in days of yore Contoh It is preposterous to ask seasoned physicians to acquire necessary qualifications …
Terjemahan dari ingratiate verba mengambil hati ingratiate, propitiate Definisi ingratiate verba bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them. a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry Contoh a sycophantic attempt to ingratiate herself with the local aristocracy a social climber who had tried to …