release, let go, let, remove, disconnect, relinquish
he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive
release, let go, let, remove, disconnect, relinquish
he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive
Glitch artinya kesalahan. a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment Simak beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah untuk lebih memahaminya It took most of the next morning to figure out the glitch and devise a temporary fix. However, the department has dismissed the issue as a temporary glitch and says the tagging of sheep will …
(adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.) Terjemahan dari coherent adjektiva koheren coherent jelas clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, coherent terang bright, light, clear, candid, luminous, coherent masuk akal reasonable, plausible, rational, sound, coherent, reasoned bertalian secara logis coherent …
Terjemahan dari pretext nomina dalih pretext, excuse, subterfuge, plea, alibi, evasion helah ruse, trick, excuse, pretext elah pretext, trick, excuse helat celebration, pretext, trick, excuse sambilan sideline, pretense, avocation, pretext, branch, pretence Definisi pretext nomina a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. the rebels had the …
Terjemahan dari cardigan nomina baju wol berkancing di depan cardigan Definisi cardigan nomina a knitted sweater fastening down the front, typically with long sleeves. But in reality, knitwear is so much more than that – it includes a wide array of pullovers, turtlenecks and cardigans , among other items. Contoh I am planning to knit …
Terjemahan dari infraction nomina pelanggaran violation, offense, breach, infringement, foul, infraction Definisi infraction nomina a violation or infringement of a law, agreement, or set of rules. Punishment is meted out to the offender because this is what he deserves in response to his infraction of the criminal law. sinonim: violation, contravention, breach, transgression, infringement, offense, …