Swagger artinya sombong, belagu, berjalan dengan sikap sombong Contoh Kalimat : There is something of an arrogant swagger about Ibrahimovic. One exchange neatly sums up the swagger of the young, high, stupid and heavily armed. Smit slowly walked back to his chair with an arrogant swagger . The Saints duly went marching in, although it …
Terjemahan dari cardigan nomina baju wol berkancing di depan cardigan Definisi cardigan nomina a knitted sweater fastening down the front, typically with long sleeves. But in reality, knitwear is so much more than that – it includes a wide array of pullovers, turtlenecks and cardigans , among other items. Contoh I am planning to knit …
Terjemahan dari fluffy adjektiva halus smooth, fine, subtle, delicate, refined, fluffy berbulu halus downy, fluffy, fuzzy agak mabuk tipsy, beery, fluffy, mellow, sprung, capernoited Definisi fluffy adjektiva of, like, or covered with fluff. fluffy white clouds sinonim: fleecy, woolly, fuzzy, hairy, feathery, downy, furry, soft lacking substance, depth, or seriousness. the commercial wallows in soft, …
Terjemahan dari penitentiary nomina penjara prison, jail, penitentiary, gaol, lockup, slammer lembaga pemasyarakatan penitentiary, correctional facility adjektiva yg memperbaiki correctional, ameliorative, corrective, meliorative, penitentiary Definisi penitentiary nomina a prison for people convicted of serious crimes. Only about 20 of the more than 1,000 prisoners at the federal penitentiary have been convicted of crimes; many have …
Terjemahan dari apprentice nomina magang apprentice, clerk, volunteer murid disciple, pupil, apprentice, grader cantrik apprentice, pupil Definisi apprentice nomina a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages. an apprentice electrician sinonim: trainee, learner, probationer, novice, beginner, starter, cadet, tenderfoot, pupil, student, …