
Lenient artinya lunak, sabar, toleran, lemah lembut

Contoh Kalimat :

Engineering sector lawmaker Raymond Ho said the punishment meted out was too lenient .

Dance companies are more lenient about tattoos than you might expect, and certainly more so than they once were.

A journalist in Melbourne wrote a column suggesting that a local magistrate was too lenient on criminals.

He was always easygoing but not too lenient and he was always sweet but not sickeningly mushy.

Many thought this too lenient a punishment for a teenager who had created the world’s most prolific computer worms.

When those convicted are let off with lenient sentences what do people expect?

However he has a heart problem which might cause the authorities to impose a much more lenient sentence, it reports.

Lewis was banned from boxing after his act and for many, that punishment was too lenient .

To make matters worse, the Criminal Code orders judges to give lenient sentences to Indian criminals.

The punishment must fit the crime, yet we let magistrates get away with handing out lenient sentences.

The punishment for a woman is more lenient – she must stay in prison until she reverts, however long it takes.

If we forgive too easily or grow too lenient in our criminal justice system, we may ignore the genuine harm done.

Well, it seems Mr Adler’s interpretation of that punishment was a little more lenient than the law would prefer.

There is no need for them to be lenient , nor are they expected to close their eyes to evil practices.

Academic staff at overseas universities tend to be more lenient towards guest students from developing countries.

Baca Juga  Anguish

The 30-month sentence has been criticized by Australia and the United States as too lenient .

Therefore, I will not suspend you this time, but do not expect me to be so lenient with you next time.

Perhaps this is a poor assumption, but if you were ever to be caught, the authorities might be more lenient with you.

He’s publicly turned down a deal for leniency in exchange for information on his surveillance activities.

From that point of view he is absolutely right but what’s wrong with a little lenience ?

They have really shown me great lenience , and only pretended to harass me in front of Ravan.

There is the famous joke about the man who kills his parents and then looks for leniency at his murder trial because he is an orphan.

She’d probably yell at me for giving you too much lenience as a child.

He said: ‘I have dealt with you as leniently as I can but I must take into account the devastating effect this has had on others.’

It is not clear whether the same lenience would be shown to the other health professions.

So I think the rules of engagement give the military the leniency they need to accomplish their mission.

The son pleads guilty, tearfully begging for leniency based on his claim that his father molested him.

South Africa too, will seek more leniency in international trade of elephant products.

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