
Terjemahan dari muzzy
gloomy, bleak, grim, dismal, dreary, muzzy
confused, puzzled, perplexed, upset, disoriented, muzzy
tdk jelas
inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, woolly
drunk, drunken, intoxicated, boozy, tanked, muzzy
Definisi muzzy
unable to think clearly; confused.
she was shivering and her head felt muzzy from sleep
sinonim: groggy, lightheaded, faint, dizzy, befuddled, befogged, dazed, fuddled, dopey, woozy
blurred; indistinct.
a slightly muzzy picture
sinonim: blurred, blurry, fuzzy, unfocused, unclear, ill-defined, foggy, hazy
  • groggy, lightheaded, faint, dizzy, befuddled, befogged, dazed, fuddled, dopey, woozy
  • blurred, blurry, fuzzy, unfocused, unclear, ill-defined, foggy, hazy
  • wooly, befuddled, addled, woolly-headed, woolly, muddled
  • hazy, blurry, fuzzy, bleary, blurred, foggy
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Max frowned confusedly and she felt guilt overwhelm her as she realized how muzzy he was.
As I slipped into the muzzy darkness bordering on nothing, I thought I felt a soft paw on my shoulder.
All I found on the card, though, was a slightly muzzy shot of her sitting on the dining table in the caravan on our first full day, surveying her new, temporary quarters.
Feeling muzzy , I turn towards the keypad where the code to get in is meant to be punched in.
By the end of the evening he was feeling rather muzzy , and shuffled back to his room with Alvar, intending to go straight to sleep.
Another soft chuckle in his ear lulled him into muzzy delirium and after a few minutes of not being sure what exactly was happening, he fell asleep.
Blinking away the muzzy feeling she left in his head, he directed his attention to his smirking Second Lieutenant.
She buried her face in her pillow and searched her muzzy brain for what she was supposed to do that day.
I was bit muzzy in town, what with the sickness, but what I really noticed above all else in town was the smell.
As I was a bit tired and muzzy by that time, I simply told him it was harmless by the time he received it.
Her mouth tasted of stale air and her mind was a soft and muzzy .
And I realised that my muzzy warm self-regard was only made possible because I had in fact faced very few real moments of moral import.
The show lacks sharp wit, but, most of all, it lacks a sharp intellect – it just full of muzzy , undirected emotion.
Mercifully, the soccer star leaned back and stared at the wall above her head, deep in his muzzythoughts.
I rubbed my eyes, still muzzy from fatigue, and followed them.
And in the morning, you’ll be carrying a muzzy head, and I’ll get no sense from you.
He was trapped in a cloudy daze, his head thick and muzzy , thoughts struggling slowly through it as if wading through a pool of molasses.
We walk out of the club, and into the muzzy darkness of the City at night.
He pulled his hood over his head, and followed her out into the hallway, his head still pounding slightly and his vision was muzzy at the corners.
I don’t really know what we were thinking that night: it was a strange muzzy memory to me when I tried to recall where we went and what we did.
The waking dream shattered as I started to muzzy consciousness.
Around and around she spun, gazing into his black eyes, her head spinning, her mind strangely muzzy.
I blinked to muzzy awareness, licked dry lips and tried to rub bleary eyes, only to be brought up short by the restraints and a lance of pain through my wounds.
This morning I think Debbie was all for staying in to nurse a bit of a muzzy head but I insisted we get out and about.
A hand gently touched me, just enough to wake me into muzzy consciousness.
After half an hour, the room started spinning a little, and everything felt slightly muzzy .
Her head felt muzzy and everything was so unclear… was that thunder she heard in the distance?
Yet while the right remains banished to the periphery of Scottish politics, the left has proven unable to create a narrative around its own hegemony, beyond aspirations towards the muzzy concept of social justice.
He talked into the phone; though judging by the muzzy look on his face, he probably had no idea what he was even saying.
Beth peered muzzily at the tiny readout, then groaned, ‘I’ve got to go.’
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