Terjemahan dari contentious adjektiva kontensius contentious yg suka bertengkar quarrelsome, contentious, cantankerous yg suka berdebat contentious, argumentative, contradictory, contradictious yg suka berselisih contentious, quarrelsome yg suka berbantah contentious Definisi contentious adjektiva causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. a contentious issue sinonim: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, open to debate, vexed Sinonim adjektiva controversial, disputable, …
Terjemahan dari recondite adjektiva terpendam pent, hidden, latent, recondite, potential, held in the heart yg sukar dimengerti recondite berpengetahuan kabur recondite yg kurang dikenal recondite tdk meluas recondite yg disembunyikan recondite, ulterior, covered yg tak diketahui orang banyak recondite Definisi recondite adjektiva (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse. the book is full of …
Terjemahan dari acquaintance nomina kenalan acquaintance pengetahuan knowledge, science, knowing, lore, learning, acquaintance Definisi acquaintance nomina a person’s knowledge or experience of something. the students had little acquaintance with the language sinonim: familiarity with, knowledge of, experience with/of, awareness of, understanding of, comprehension of, grasp of a person one knows slightly, but who is not …
Terjemahan dari mugger nomina perampok robber, mugger, brigand, hijacker, footpad, marauder buaya crocodile, alligator, mugger pembegal robber, harrier, spoliator, yegg, mugger, hijacker Definisi mugger nomina a person who attacks and robs another in a public place. They are burglars, dealers, vandals, thugs, muggers , arsonists, a menace to society. a large short-snouted Indian crocodile, venerated …
Terjemahan dari rife adjektiva penuh full, complete, whole, fraught, replete, rife tersebar luas wide-spread, rife banyak many, much, ample, plentiful, considerable, rife umum general, common, public, generic, prevalent, rife biasa usual, regular, ordinary, normal, common, rife yg mempunyai banyak rife yg meluas rife, wide-spread Definisi rife adjektiva (especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common …