
Terjemahan dari impresario
Definisi impresario
a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas.
Opera impresario Raymond Gubbay has proved to concert promoters that given the right marketing, concerts and operas can be made as popular as any other evening’s entertainment.
sinonim: organizer, (stage) manager, producer, promoter, publicist, showman, director, conductor, maestro
  • organizer, (stage) manager, producer, promoter, publicist, showman, director, conductor,maestro
  • showman, promoter
Contoh impressario
As an impresario , Goh organized the Stars of North American Ballet tour to China in 2002.
Brandt was the impresario who had discovered Carly Simon and unleashed the Rolling Stones on America.
By the 1710s impresario John Rich was once again presenting the semi operas The Island Princess and The Prophetess as well as a full opera, Bonocini’s Camilla in English.
At the top of his agenda is finding an impresario to arrange a tour.
Then the theatre impresario asked Smith who should succeed him.
They involve a singing frog, a vaudeville show, the impresario who runs it, and the mad scientist who works for him.
The company formed in 1909 by the Russian impresario Serge Diaghilev to bring Russian dance to the West.
Today’s dance company director must be not only an artist but an impresario as well.
Ballet was at its most artistically powerful in the hands of the Russian impresario Sergei Diaghilev, who was insistent that the form was a gesamtkunstwerk, a total artwork, comprising not dancing merely, but music and design as well.
He remembers what a New York theatre impresario once told him.
The artist and impresario has produced 425 prints of his Edinburgh: Old and New Towns, a fascinating illustration of a city full of contrasts yet all carved from the same rock.
So the other night we went to the Belasco Theatre, erected in 1910 by the impresario and playwright David Belasco for his own shows.
A famous television celebrity and a distinguished theatrical impresario were there on my recommendation and loved it.
He is an impresario because he knows how to exploit a coincidence of finances, politicians, financiers, publicity and taste in order to make a laundress like Nini into a star.
Opera impresario Raymond Gubbay has proved to concert promoters that given the right marketing, concerts and operas can be made as popular as any other evening’s entertainment.
The boys’ hopes for a continental tour are dashed when the French impresario who invited them over abandons them on the dock.
Nonetheless, his great-grandfather was a clown at the Tivoli in Copenhagen, then a ringmaster, then animpresario .
From the start, the impresario sought the best talent in show business.
Last year, the concert impresario allowed fans to access recordings of live performances from its Reading Festival.
I have always made impresarios a lot of money across my career and have never, so far as I am aware, given any of them heart attacks.
There were no Hollywood impresarios or producers looking over our shoulders.
Amsterdam impresarios and regional orchestras frequently promote the genre.
Rather, museum directors are impresarios who mount splendid exhibitions which draw thousands of visitors, and travel from museum to museum.
During its long existence Pantomime has witnessed other panto impresarios , such as Augustus Harris, ‘Father of modern Pantomime’ at the Drury Lane Theatre in the 1870’s.
Such showcase events help the festival directors and impresarios to select and bring the best to the international festivals.
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