
Terjemahan dari attribute
nature, character, trait, property, characteristic, attribute
feature, characteristic, trait, mark, merits, attribute
equipment, fittings, gear, paraphernalia, supply, attribute
symbol, emblem, epitome, insignia, badge, attribute
sign, mark, signal, alert, token, attribute
connect, link, hook, relate, hook up, attribute
attribute, unite, tie, link, impute, bind
clothe, attribute
Definisi attribute
a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.
flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of our army
sinonim: quality, characteristic, trait, feature, element, aspect, property, sign, hallmark, mark, distinction, X factor
a piece of information that determines the properties of a field or tag in a database or a string of characters in a display.
The destination of the alias is stored in the maildrop attribute .
an attributive adjective or noun.
a real property that a statistical analysis is attempting to describe.
Nest attributes used in the statistical analyses were measured at the start of the first film.
regard something as being caused by (someone or something).
he attributed the firm’s success to the efforts of the managing director
sinonim: ascribe to, assign to, accredit to, credit to, impute to, put down to, chalk up to, hold responsible for, blame on, pin on, connect with, associate with
Lebih sedikit definisi
  • quality, characteristic, trait, feature, element, aspect, property, sign, hallmark, mark,distinction, X factor
  • symbol, mark, sign, hallmark, trademark
  • dimension, property
  • assign, impute, ascribe
  • assign
Lebih sedikit sinonim
If a candidate has a friend in the organization, the hiring agent will likely attribute positive characteristics to the candidate.
But when you describe your friends, you still might describe them as smart, because we’re speaking in relative terms when we attribute qualities to people.
In fact, we often attribute characteristics to race that belong in the realm of cultural differences.
Tintoretto directs the viewer’s main attention to what, to all intents and purposes, is an attribute of Saint George.
We have tended to attribute negative characteristics to the body without realizing that this results in the destructive functioning of the spirit.
First, you can apply the CSS inline using the style attribute on any tag.
Each sub-element has four mandatory attributes plus one optional attribute , as described in Table 1.
The key attribute , the only one that really matters, is distinctiveness.
Nations tend to develop myths that attribute positive qualities to their founders and uniqueness to their political institutions.
The destination of the alias is stored in the maildrop attribute .
We fall prey to it because we continue to attribute characteristics to groups while ignoring genuine gender differences.
it was not until the end of the fifteenth century that the sandglass was depicted as the attribute of Father Time
Scientists attribute this change to better living standards, particularly in regard to diet.
The coefficients for the attributes were all statistically significantly different from zero.
While none of these parties can be considered fascist, racist remarks have been attributed tomembers of these parties.
Who can deny that Elvis’s success was partially attributable to the female record-buying public?
Patterns are recurrent, regular attributes of world phenomena or abstract examples.
While all the works were attributed to both artists, it was easy for anyone familiar with their oeuvres to recognize who did what.
He spent a lot of time thinking about the attributes of each character.
The firm attributes its success to a talented staff and an open culture that honors individual creativity and nurtures teamwork.
Rather than describing a man’s character by attributing various qualities to him, they preferred to exemplify it by saying the sort of things that he might do.
You’ll have to tolerate the error messages concerned with the attributes .
A major goal of pharmacy education is surely to produce graduates with these qualities and attributes .
Respondents ranked the importance of six different quality attributes of a steak they might purchase.
The workplace no longer values the masculine attributes of strength, forbearance, comradeship and determination.
He has the height and he is very strong across the chest, shoulders and in the legs – key attributes for good quality rowers.
The authors attributed this inconsistency to the two cultures’ different expectations for children’s behaviour.
He never attributed the line to Kennedy in his remarks, nor does the transcribed version of his speech.
The official News Agency attributed the remarks to a Foreign Ministry spokesman.
Allen gave both teams full credit for their victories, attributing their success to the skill, confidence and commitment of the team members.
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physical attribute, file attribute
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