she lived in a Podunk town notable for nothing except the girls’ school where she taught art
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Terjemahan dari suburb nomina kota satelit suburb, satellite town, satellite bagian pinggir kota suburb Definisi suburb nomina an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. The subjects come from a variety of backgrounds, from inner city ghettoes to upmarket suburbs . sinonim: residential area, dormitory area, bedroom community, commuter shed, commuter belt, exurb, …
Terjemahan dari priceless adjektiva tak ternilai priceless Definisi priceless adjektiva so precious that its value cannot be determined. priceless works of art sinonim: invaluable, of incalculable value/worth, of immeasurable value/worth, beyond price, irreplaceable, incomparable, unparalleled Sinonim adjektiva invaluable, of incalculable value/worth, of immeasurable value/worth, beyond price,irreplaceable, incomparable, unparalleled invaluable Contoh Of course, it would be …
Terjemahan dari predecessor nomina pendahulu predecessor, precursor, forerunner leluhur ancestor, ancestry, progenitor, father, forebear, predecessor orang yg disebut lebih dulu predecessor Definisi predecessor nomina a person who held a job or office before the current holder. the new president’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor sinonim: forerunner, precursor, antecedent Sinonim nomina …
Terjemahan dari compromise nomina kompromi compromise kompromis compromise ittifak agreement, compromise adjektiva berkompromi compromise yg menodai nama baik compromise verba berkompromi compromise membahayakan endanger, harm, jeopardize, compromise, hazard, imperil menodai nama baik compromise, soil, cast a slur on, crack memalukan diri sendiri compromise Definisi compromise nomina an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that …
Terjemahan dari cliff nomina jurang gap, ravine, gorge, cliff, chasm, brink karang terjal cliff tebing curam precipice, cliff, bluff Definisi cliff nomina a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea. a path along the top of rugged cliffs sinonim: precipice, rock face, crag, bluff, ridge, escarpment, scar, scarp, ledge, overhang Sinonim nomina …