
Terjemahan dari residence
tempat tinggal
residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place
residence, dwelling, house, habitation, residency, rooms
tempat kediaman
residence, house, habitation, residency, dwelling, houseroom
institution, house, residence
waktu tinggal
residence, residency
Definisi residence
a person’s home; the place where someone lives.
They are there in case one day someone again wants to live in the house as a private residence and restore it to its original condition.
sinonim: home, house, place of residence, address, quarters, lodgings, pad, digs, dwelling, dwelling place, domicile, abode
  • home, house, place of residence, address, quarters, lodgings, pad, digs, dwelling, dwelling place, domicile, abode
  • dormitory, dorm
  • occupancy, habitation, residency, abode
  • residency, abidance
  • hall, mansion house, manse, mansion
  • abode
Lebih sedikit sinonim
They will be eligible to permanent residence after living five years in South Korea.
“But, there is also the issue of the ambassador’s residence .
He cannot be required to show a driver’s license or any other evidence of his identity or residence .
Originally built as an artillery fort in the 1530s, it was converted to a private residence in the 1880s.
Meanwhile, I shall board a shuttle shortly to visit the governor’s residence .
Nevertheless, residence is something which has to be established on the facts of a particular case.
Your principal private residence does not attract any capital gains tax and could provide useful cash.
Needless to say, none of these problems were afflicting the president’s residence .
A four-bedroom semi-detached residence in a quiet area is all someone with a family will be looking for.
The building itself was built in 1607 as a private residence , but it was in use as an inn by 1775.
All of my meals were provided by the headquarters and I lived in an official residence .
she took up residence in Paris
It was his private residence and he reportedly put it up for sale when he left in 1861.
is this your residence?
“This is in no way an attack on the chief minister’s residence .
They are there in case one day someone again wants to live in the house as a private residence and restore it to its original condition.
The single storey residence covers 232 square metres and is in excellent decorative order throughout.
Just the week before another boy just like these two, another war orphan, was granted permanentresidence .
it’s a private residence
temporary residence
That would be inconsistent with his second point that habitual residence is a question of fact.
where is your ordinary place of residence?
In front of the official residence of the Japanese ambassador, the police closed the road off.
It will be sold on when the Archbishop moves back into his official residence .
Later, it became the official residence of collectors of the district.
We did the interview from the Naval Observatory near the vice president’s residence .
Now, that depended on a finding of fact about his nationality or a finding of fact about a right toresidence in another country.
I don’t know if this is just specific to my little area of residence or if it’s celebrated the world over.
Rome was his main place of residence
Work will also be done to help separate the private and public areas of the archbishop’s officialresidence .
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residence permit, place of residence, permanent residence, residence time, registered residence, country of residence, hall of residence, temporary residence, residence hall, former residence
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