Expunge artinya menghapus atau mencoret Contoh They demanded that school officials apologize and expunge the incident from her son’s records. But the answer to the present imperfections is in part to abolish faith schools in their entirety and expunge religion from schools, except as a topic of study. the kind of man that could expunge …
Terjemahan dari delude verba menipu deceive, fool, cheat, trick, defraud, delude memperdaya deceive, trick, outwit, bamboozle, delude, beguile menyesatkan mislead, pervert, delude, hoodwink membohongi deceive, delude, hoax, dupe, hoodwink, queer memperdayakan deceive, wile, bamboozle, trick, delude, beguile Definisi delude verba impose a misleading belief upon (someone); deceive; fool. too many theorists have deluded the public …
Terjemahan dari peruse verba membaca dgn teliti peruse Definisi peruse verba read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way. he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues Sinonim verba read, study, scrutinize, inspect, examine, wade through, look through, browse through, leaf through, scan, run one’s eye over, glance through, …
Sumber Vocabulary One of the anomalies of our approach to history is the propensity to study the venerable empire of Europe, but we do not feel it incumbent upon us to ascertain anything about the civilizations in our own hemisphere. We deprecate the history of this part of the world as though progress lay dormant …
Terjemahan dari interest nomina bunga interest, flower, floral design, cream, the best part kepentingan interest, importance, benefit, behalf, concerns, significance minat interest, readability, fun, stake, savor, sapidity perhatian attention, concern, care, interest, consideration, notice keuntungan advantage, profit, benefit, gain, return, interest animo interest, zest, energy, gusto interes interest hal penting interest cam interest, attention verba …