Calvin Coolidge, our thirtieth president, was named “Silent Cal” by reporters because of his laconic speech. One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable sermon, a throng of newsmen gathered around him. An intrepid reporter accosted the Chief Executive: “Mr. President, we know that the sermon was on the topic of sin. What …
Kategori: English Learning
Roots of Mental Activity
For humans, an important part of life is our ability to think about and remember words, ideas, and experiences. The roots in this unit cover the important mental processes of thinking, believing, questioning, and remembering. Word List ment admonish menegur, menasihati comment komentar demented gila demonstrate mendemonstrasikan mental metal mention menyebutkan mindful sadar mindless tak …
seemingly absurd or self-contradictory. It would be paradoxical to advocate an inquiry into inquiries, but we can begin to see criteria that will make them more likely to succeed. The paradoxical truth is that nothing is more unpopular with the public than the pursuit of the public interest. In the end his interest in ‘ordinary’ …
How Not to Get Your Way
Sumber Bacaan It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for assistance with the household drudgery may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither can perceive that …
Galvanize artinya Menggembleng, atau membangkitkan atau mengajak seseorang untuk mengambil tindakan, shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action. galvanize juga bisa juga diterjemahkan jadi galvanisasi, artinya melapisi besi atau baja dengan lapisan seng pelindung agar terlindung dari korosi. coat (iron or steel) with a protective layer of zinc. Frustration, disillusionment and above all a …
It’s a Man’s World
It’s A Man’s World How paradoxical that the world’s greatest chefs have all been man! Cooking would seem to be the field which lies exclusively within the ladies’ realm, yet the annals of cookery are replete with masculine names: Brillat Savarin, Ritz Diaz, Larousse. To compound the puzzle, there has rarely been a tinge of …
Solving The Servant Problem
The worlds of science-fiction abound with wonders. Yet modern technology progress so rapidly that what may be today’s wild dream may be next year’s kitchen appliance. A British scientist has prognosticated that within ten years every sub-urban matron will have her own robot servant. One task this domesticated automaton will not have to contend with …
Reading Wisely
A youngster who reads voraciously, though indiscriminately, does not necessarily gain in wisdom over the teenager who is more selective in his reading choices. A young man who has read the life story of every eminent athlete of the twentieth century, or a coed who has steeped herself in every social-protest novel she can get …