Glitch artinya kesalahan. a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment Simak beberapa contoh kalimat di bawah untuk lebih memahaminya It took most of the next morning to figure out the glitch and devise a temporary fix. However, the department has dismissed the issue as a temporary glitch and says the tagging of sheep will …
Terjemahan dari shimmer verba berkilau sparkle, shimmer, glisten, glitter, glare, glint berkelip twinkle, blink, flicker, sparkle, glitter, shimmer berkelip-kelip glitter, twinkle, flicker, nictitate, nictate, shimmer nomina kilau luster, sparkle, sheen, shine, shimmer, scintillation cahaya gemerlap shimmer cahaya yg berkilau-kilau shimmer Definisi shimmer nomina a soft, slightly wavering light. a pale shimmer of moonlight sinonim: glint, …
Terjemahan dari cloud nomina awan cloud, overcast mega cloud mendung cloud jumlah besar bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, cloud keadaan susah nuisance, cloud syal dr wol cloud noda stain, smudge, spot, taint, smear, cloud verba menutupi cover, cover up, mask, cover over, smother, cloud menggelapkan darken, embezzle, obscure, tamper, becloud, cloud meredupkan cloud, tone down, …
Terjemahan dari comrade nomina kawan friend, comrade, fellow, fella, companion, pal rekan colleague, associate, companion, mate, friend, comrade teman friend, companion, mate, comrade, associate, compeer sobat friend, comrade sahabat friend, pal, comrade saudara brother, sister, relation, sib, comrade, gentleman ikhwan brother, comrade cacak elder brother, comrade Definisi comrade nomina a companion who shares one’s activities …
Terjemahan dari vacillate verba bimbang hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, wobble, bother terombang-ambing toss, rock, vacillate, oscillate Definisi vacillate verba alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive. I had for a time vacillated between teaching and journalism sinonim: dither, waver, be indecisive, be undecided, be ambivalent, hesitate, be of two minds, blow hot …