Terjemahan dari muck verba mengotori pollute, litter, soil, mess, mar, muck memupuk fertilize, nourish, manure, muck, bring up, rear membuat berantakan muddle, muck Definisi muck verba mishandle (a job or situation); spoil (something). she had mucked up her first few weeks at college remove (manure and other dirt) from a horse’s stable or other animal’s …
Terjemahan dari rout verba mengusir drive away, drive out, repel, cast out, evict, rout menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, rout mencukur shave, shear, razor, rout, walk over, lick mengalahkan sama sekali rout, conk, put to rout, defeat utterly, smite nomina kekalahan defeat, whopping, loss, losing, rout, drubbing berontak rout, ruction sampah masyarakat ragtag, crum, …
Terjemahan dari disfigure verba menjelekkan vilify, disfigure, speak ill of, besmirch, disfeature menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, disfigure membuat cacat deform, disfigure, disfeature membuat cacad disfigure, deform, disfeature Definisi disfigure verba spoil the attractiveness of. litter disfigures the countryside sinonim: mar, spoil, deface, scar, blemish, uglify, damage, injure, impair, blight, mutilate, deform, maim, ruin, …
Terjemahan dari intense adjektiva intens intense amat sangat intense, profound kuat strong, robust, solid, firm, intense, potent bersemangat vibrant, enthusiastic, spirited, keen, viable, intense hebat great, superb, terrific, fabulous, wonderful, intense sangat tremendous, exceptional, severe, serious, intense, considerable tajam sharp, keen, snappy, pungent, strong, intense giat enterprising, active, viable, keen, aggressive, intense Definisi intense adjektiva …
Terjemahan dari strife nomina perselisihan dispute, strife, discord, conflict, friction, clash percekcokan dispute, strife, row, argument, squabble, squabbling Definisi strife nomina angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict. strife within the community sinonim: conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, quarreling, wrangling, bickering, controversy, ill/bad feeling, falling-out, bad blood, hostility, animosity Sinonim nomina conflict, …