Terjemahan dari doodle nomina gambar yg tak berarti doodle verba menggambar dgn melamun doodle Definisi doodle nomina a rough drawing made absentmindedly. In the notebook were pretty drawings, simple little doodles of simple little joys. verba scribble absentmindedly. he was only doodling in the margin Sinonim nomina scribble, scrabble Contoh This book held all of …
Terjemahan dari heirdom nomina pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom Comments comments
Terjemahan dari equivocal adjektiva samar vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, equivocal taksa equivocal samar-samar equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, uncertain kurang tegas equivocal yg mempunyai dua arti equivocal yg diragukan dubious, questionable, equivocal, ambiguous, clouded, fishy Definisi equivocal adjektiva open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. the equivocal nature of her remarks sinonim: ambiguous, indefinite, …
Terjemahan dari sabbatical nomina cuti panjang sabbatical, sabbatical leave, sabbatical year Definisi sabbatical adjektiva of or relating to a sabbatical. Only two of the paid sabbatical positions were contested, adding to concerns raised during the hustings that OUSU was failing to display its relevancy to the student body. of or appropriate to the sabbath. What …
Terjemahan dari bestow verba memberikan give, provide, offer, supply, allow, bestow menganugerahi bestow, endue, indue melimpahkan bestow, delegate, dump, shower, overwhelm, heap Definisi bestow verba confer or present (an honor, right, or gift). the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state sinonim: confer on, grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, …