Hence artinya… Untuk memahami dan merasakannya, tentu saja tergantung dari konteks kalimat. Berikut beberapa contoh pemakainannya : Selain “hence”, ada beberapa kata penghubung yang hartinya hampir sama, yaitu: Comments comments
Terjemahan dari pimp nomina germo pimp, procurer, pander, brothel keeper muncikari pimp, matchmaker, procuress calo pander, pimp alku pimp, procurer jaruman needlework, stitch, procurer, pimp ceti moneylender, pimp Definisi pimp nomina a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. She used to drive even prostitutes and …
Terjemahan dari pique nomina kekesalan pique, vexation, dejection, exacerbation, regret, sickener kejengkelan aggravation, annoyance, irritation, indignation, exasperation, pique perasaan tersinggung displeasure, huff, pique kain pike pique verba menyinggung offend, mention, allude, touch, pertain, pique melukai hati hurt, offend, gall, nettle, pique, wrong menyinggung perasaan offend, pique, wound, mortify menjengkelkan annoy, irritate, irk, spite, exasperate, pique …
Terjemahan dari slum nomina perkampungan yg melarat slum daerah jembel slum rumah-rumah gubuk slum Definisi slum nomina a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people. However, there is still a large segment of the population which lives in urban slums and poor rural areas without electricity or running water. sinonim: …
Terjemahan dari swarm nomina kawanan herd, flock, swarm, shoal, gaggle, covey kelompok group, category, cohort, cluster, party, swarm gerombolan horde, gang, band, bunch, swarm, group kumpulan set, collection, aggregate, body, assembly, swarm jumlah besar bulk, quantity, vast, multiplicity, reams, swarm verba berkerumun swarm, flock, crowd, gather, congregate, teem mengeriap swarm mengerumuni swarm, infest, overrun, mob, …