
Terjemahan dari exaggerate
exaggerate, magnify, overcolour, overcolor, romance
exaggerate, blow up, overcolour, overcolor, overdo, overstate
Definisi exaggerate
represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is.
they were apt to exaggerate any aches and pains
sinonim: overstate, overemphasize, overestimate, magnify, amplify, aggrandize, inflate, embellish, embroider, elaborate, overplay, dramatize, hyperbolize, stretch the truth, lay it on thick, make a mountain out of a molehill, blow out of all proportion, blow up, make a big thing of
  • overstate, overemphasize, overestimate, magnify, amplify, aggrandize, inflate, embellish,embroider, elaborate, overplay, dramatize, hyperbolize, stretch the truth, lay it on thick, make a mountain out of a molehill, blow out of all proportion, blow up, make a big thing of
  • overdo
  • overstate, magnify, hyperbolize, overdraw, amplify
Lebih sedikit sinonim
he has a tendency to exaggerate his role
they were apt to exaggerate any aches and pains
she was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains
Experts say it’s an exaggerated figure and don’t want to even visualise such a situation.
No one dragged their rivals to the court; there were very few exaggerated claims.
In the end, one might think that goodness was only imaginary, an exaggerated western virtue.
I must admit even though I am on the receiving end of all this exaggerative policing, I am grateful for the sense of safety it promotes.
But as the content largely involves the lads pushing each other into the water or squabblingexaggeratedly about who should have come first, it doesn’t really matter.
May you survive the tempests that you are tempting, angering that the ungodly tribe of fibbers,exaggerators and outrageous abusers of power to bludgeon the real number.
Footballers here are less inclined to tumble over in an exaggerated fashion or writhe around feigning injury.
But the fact that he’s a serial exaggerator is exactly why this story should receive attention, not why it should be shrugged off.
You’ll all be happy to know that I escaped my self-made prison without too much trouble, although I nearly slipped and fell when I tried to make an exaggeratedly large step well over the possible height of any of my candles.
As soon as he walked in all cameras focused on him and his hero pals made an exaggerated show of affection towards him.
I read to them every night in great detail and in exaggerated voices.
‘Yeah,’ Jessica said with another laugh at how over exaggerative Billy sounded.
One stands splaying all his limbs around me in an exaggerated way.
You have an overly exaggerative imagination.
exaggerated features such as a massive head and beetling brows
It was so cartoonish and exaggerated that I felt sure it must look staged to anyone watching, but it was genuine enough.
After returning across the bridge, she shed her veils, exaggeratedly made-up her face and disappeared among the pedestrians travelling south along the waterfront.
We in the West have done far more than the Russians to publicise the fact that our children embody all of our exaggerated fears today.
Furthermore, there are no legal penalties for taking a false or exaggerated claim to court.
There have been movie – makers who have stepped out of the realms of exaggerative patriotism and have dared to show America and its people for what they really are.
He looked around the library in an exaggerative manner, just to make sure no one was looking and then gestured with his fingers telling Opal to come closer.
And, in this case, it is based on exaggerated assumptions and exaggerated statements.
Once the rain hits, it’s clearly time for that exaggerated song and dance sequence.
her plump thighs, exaggerated hips, and minuscule waist
This can lead to exaggerated food portions or over consumption of calories.
Gun buying may be a response to an exaggerated amount of coverage of supposedly impending danger.
But the eccentricity of his performances, some of which seem wilfully perverse, with their mannered phrasing and exaggeratedly slow or fast tempos, was less easy to take.
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Exaggerate, to exaggerate
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[…] is impossible to exaggerate the popularity of the guitar. One out of every four amateur musicians in the United States plays […]

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