Terjemahan dari frazzle nomina keletihan fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, lassitude, extenuation, frazzle kelelahan fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, maceration, frazzle, extenuation verba merobek-robek frazzle, tear up, mangle Definisi frazzle verba cause to feel completely exhausted; wear out. a frazzled parent nomina the state of being completely exhausted or worn out. I’m tired, worn to a frazzle Sinonim verba …
Terjemahan dari pique nomina kekesalan pique, vexation, dejection, exacerbation, regret, sickener kejengkelan aggravation, annoyance, irritation, indignation, exasperation, pique perasaan tersinggung displeasure, huff, pique kain pike pique verba menyinggung offend, mention, allude, touch, pertain, pique melukai hati hurt, offend, gall, nettle, pique, wrong menyinggung perasaan offend, pique, wound, mortify menjengkelkan annoy, irritate, irk, spite, exasperate, pique …
Terjemahan dari ointment nomina urapan ointment, cream obat salep ointment salap unguent, ointment, salve, inunction balsem balm, balsam, ointment obat salap ointment, salve palit ointment Definisi ointment nomina a smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic. Apply a moisturizer cream or ointment if the perineal skin …
Terjemahan dari impresario nomina impresaris impresario Definisi impresario nomina a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas. Opera impresario Raymond Gubbay has proved to concert promoters that given the right marketing, concerts and operas can be made as popular as any other evening’s entertainment. sinonim: organizer, (stage) manager, producer, promoter, publicist, showman, …
Terjemahan dari slammer nomina penjara prison, jail, penitentiary, gaol, lockup, slammer Definisi slammer nomina prison. Not even Judge Whitten, we hope, would throw a 6-year-old girl in the slammer for writing a book report. a person who deliberately collides with others when slam-dancing. The slammers and hip-hoppers doubtless would find this collection hopelessly literary. Sinonim …