Terjemahan dari comfortably adverbia dgn senang pleasantly, comfortably Sinonim comfortably adverbia well Terjemahan dari comfortable adjektiva enak good, tasty, delicious, nice, comfortable, well senang happy, pleased, glad, good, nice, comfortable cukup enough, sufficient, adequate, ample, fair, comfortable lumayan good, tolerable, decent, sizable, middling, comfortable sreg comfortable, comfy, appropriate nikmat enjoyable, cozy, comfortable, comfy, cosy nyenyak …
Terjemahan dari successor nomina penerus successor, continuer pengganti substitute, successor, surrogate, alternate, fill-in kulipat successor, deputy Definisi successor nomina a person or thing that succeeds another. Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school sinonim: heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line Sinonim nomina heir (apparent), inheritor, next-in-line heir replacement Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh …
Terjemahan dari evince verba memperlihatkan show, exhibit, reveal, display, disclose, evince membuktikan prove, attest, demonstrate, verify, establish, evince menunjukkan dgn jelas evince Definisi evince verba reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling). his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey Sinonim verba reveal, show, make plain, manifest, indicate, display, exhibit, demonstrate, …
Terjemahan dari prefix nomina awalan prefix, proclitic verba menaruh di depan prefix membubuhkan awalan prefix Definisi prefix nomina a word, letter, or number placed before another. add the prefix 83 to the extension number verba add (something) at the beginning as a prefix or introduction. a preface is prefixed to the book Contoh Queen Victoria …
Terjemahan dari profuse adjektiva boros extravagant, profligate, lavish, spendthrift, prodigal, profuse yg berlebihan superfluous, supererogatory, hyperbolical, copious, pleonastic, profuse sebesar-besarnya as big as possible, profuse sedalam-dalamnya profuse berlimpah-limpah abundant, plenteous, plentiful, lavish, affluent, profuse yg berlebih-lebihan copious, profuse, affluent, surplus, redundant, superfluous Definisi profuse adjektiva (especially of something offered or discharged) exuberantly plentiful; abundant. I …