Terjemahan dari mingle verba bergaul associate, mingle, interact, socialize, intercommunicate, assort bercampur mix, mingle, commingle, intermix, amalgamate, alloy bercampur aduk mingle, mix, intermix, commingle, alloy, amalgamate Definisi mingle verba mix or cause to mix together. the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs sinonim: mix, blend, intermingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, …
Terjemahan dari discipline nomina disiplin discipline mata pelajaran subject, course, study, discipline kedisiplinan discipline, training ketertiban order, orderliness, discipline, neatness mata kuliah course, subject, study, discipline Definisi discipline nomina the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. a lack of proper parental and school discipline …
Terjemahan dari utilize verba memanfaatkan utilize, exploit, harness, abuse menggunakan use, make use of, utilize, employ, take, apply Definisi utilize verba make practical and effective use of. vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet sinonim: use, make use of, put to use, employ, avail oneself of, bring/press into service, bring …
Skid Row ternyata bukan sekedar nama dari group band yang nyanyiin lagu “Remember Yesterday” Definisi skid row nomina a run-down part of a town frequented by vagrants, alcoholics, and drug addicts. Here the Boulevard was a skid row of motels, shabby apartments, sad souvenir stands, pornography stores, and pawn shops. Contoh That’s because we no …
Terjemahan dari discourse nomina ceramah lecture, talk, discourse, reading pidato speech, address, discourse, oration percakapan conversation, talk, talking, discourse, converse kuliah lecture, course, school, class, reading, discourse tulisan writing, article, inscription, script, handwriting, discourse Definisi discourse nomina written or spoken communication or debate. the language of political discourse sinonim: discussion, conversation, talk, dialogue, conference, debate, …