
Terjemahan dari nebulous
vague, cryptic, dim, disguised, hazy, nebulous
vague, fuzzy, hazy, obscure, fading, nebulous
equivocal, dim, vague, hazy, nebulous, uncertain
ghostly, poor, nebulous, feeble, obscure
tdk jelas
inarticulate, vaporous, muzzy, indistinct, hazy, nebulous
Definisi nebulous
in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
a giant nebulous glow
sinonim: indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, blurred, blurry, foggy, faint, shadowy, obscure, formless, amorphous
  • indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, blurred, blurry, foggy, faint,shadowy, obscure, formless, amorphous
  • vague, ill-defined, unclear, hazy, uncertain, indefinite, indeterminate, imprecise, unformed,muddled, confused, ambiguous
  • nebular
  • cloudy, nebulose
  • unfixed
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Yet dark energy is a nebulous concept, one that has thus far flummoxed some of the smartest researchers on the planet.
That’s a much more nebulous and difficult question.
Nowadays they want something far more nebulous , which is celebrity.
Twenty five years ago, the nebulous gas entombing the dying star at the centre was not hot enough to glow.
The billions of years believed necessary for the earth to evolve from some nebulous mass simply evaporate when confronted by such evidence.
It has few distinguishable stars and is mainly notable for a nebulous , cloud-like cluster which ancient astronomers regarded as an area where energies were dissipated.
But can I ask you – and this is a bit of a nebulous question I suppose – but what do you think of when the term ‘respect’ comes up?
For nebulous , ambiguous speculation, nothing comes close to this work.
He nimbly steers his magic carpet through the nebulous and confusing post-modern clouds of the internet.
No doubt there’ll be some spurious, nebulous rhetoric about rights and responsibilities, respect, choice and other such middle class emollients.
Smudges like this are called nebulae, because they look nebulous – like hazy clouds.
He is adamant that this week he wants us to take immediate actions and clearly report what we see and do, rather than just speculate and make nebulous plans for the future.
At the end of the day, after two hours of ‘debate’, it emerged that what people wanted was thatnebulous old chestnut, ‘freedom of choice’.
Ultimately, it’s not politics that makes the world go round but generosity, but for a lot of people that’s a very nebulous concept.
The focus is on ‘experience’, which is a bit nebulous in comparison to a conference on technology or design, but that’s what makes it fun and interesting.
Rock ‘n’ roll, however, is a most nebulous phenomenon.
He did not peer through a hazy lens into a nebulous future.
That’s the reassurance I want, not this nebulous approach.
Instead, they invented this nebulous concept of the ‘public domain’ that no one owns.
Of course, this risks the subordination of personal freedom to some nebulous concept of public good.
Goals have to be defined and solid, otherwise they are nebulous – like clouds.
Why do you think scientists have been reluctant to grapple with this nebulous notion of the human mind?
It expanded into a nebulous circle of shifting light.
Most irritating of all, I’m finding that my brain is absolutely unable to cope with vague, nebulousconcepts or ideas.
Discretion is a nebulous thing, each case is different and what we are saying is that the HSE doesn’t appear to look at cases individually.
Shapley noted that nebulous objects tended to be everywhere except in the Milky Way plane.
A thick, nebulous haze, caused by the manufacturing process, pervaded everywhere, revealing sparks and the blindingly bright radiance of welding from time to time.
Having spent many years ‘dabbling in the history of ideas,’ we are well aware that the term ‘postmodern’ is a nebulous concept.
This is the first in a series that explores the nebulous connection between modern art and cartooning.
The Pleiades is a nebulous cluster of stars, all contained within one degree of longitude, located on the shoulder of the Bull.
Baca Juga  Thuggery
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