Fathom artinya memahami, mengerti nomina a unit of length equal to six feet (approximately 1.8 m), chiefly used in reference to the depth of water. sonar says that we’re in eighteen fathoms verba understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought. he could scarcely fathom the idea that people actually lived in …
Terjemahan dari reprehensible adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious yg patut dicela reprovable, reprehensible, censurable, culpable yg patut dipersalahkan culpable, reprehensible yg patut dihukum punishable, culpable, reprehensible Definisi reprehensible adjektiva deserving censure or condemnation. his complacency and reprehensible laxity sinonim: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, blameworthy, culpable, wrong, bad, shameful, dishonorable, objectionable, opprobrious, repugnant, …
Tanding Ulang Definisi rematch nomina a second match or game between two teams or players. The first playoff game saw a rematch of their last round-robin game against the Brokenhead team from Red Deer. Sinonim nomina replay Contoh Tuesday night, in a rematch with the Nets, he scored 27 points and led the Wizards to …
Terjemahan dari bordello nomina bordil brothel, bordello, embroidery Definisi bordello nomina a brothel. It was also here that the music and dance of the tango, once described as vertical flirting, was born among the brothels and bordellos of Necochea, a street that today is lined with pizzerias, cantinas and gift shops. sinonim: brothel, whorehouse, cathouse, …
Terjemahan dari invalidate verba menghapuskan eliminate, abolish, eradicate, wipe out, blot out, invalidate membuat tdk berlaku invalidate Definisi invalidate verba make (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous. His second is that finding unpleasant – even horrible – application of a scientific theory or philosophical argument invalidates the theory. sinonim: disprove, refute, contradict, negate, …