Terjemahan dari combative adjektiva agresif aggressive, combative, militant pejuang combatant, combative yg bertempur combatant, combative Definisi combative adjektiva ready or eager to fight; pugnacious. he made some enemies with his combative style sinonim: pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic, quarrelsome, argumentative, contentious, hostile, truculent, belligerent, bellicose, militant, spoiling for a fight Sinonim adjektiva pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic, quarrelsome, argumentative, …
Terjemahan dari custody nomina tahanan custody, resistance, arrest, detainee, inmate, captivity penjagaan guard, custody, preservation, protection, surveillance, defense perwalian guardianship, custody, trusteeship, ward, regency, tutelage pemeliharaan maintenance, care, upkeep, preservation, raising, custody pengamanan pacification, safekeeping, custody, mollification Definisi custody nomina the protective care or guardianship of someone or something. the property was placed in the …
Terjemahan dari intrude verba mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, intrude memaksakan impose, enforce, compel, assert, make, intrude masuk tanpa diundang crash in, intrude Definisi intrude verba put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited. he had no right to intrude into their lives (of igneous rock) be forced …
Terjemahan dari sanctimonious adjektiva munafik hypocritical, specious, prudish, goody, sanctimonious, histrionic yg berlagak suci sanctified, sanctimonious suci lamisan sanctimonious, sanctified berpura-pura suci sanctified, sanctimonious Definisi sanctimonious adjektiva making a show of being morally superior to other people. what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first? sinonim: self-righteous, holier-than-thou, pious, pietistic, churchy, …
Terjemahan dari fug nomina udara pengap fug, frowst udara apak fug, frowst verba mengalami kepengapan fug Definisi fug Short for “Fugly”, or “Fuckin’ Ugly”. Wow, that chick is fug! nomina a warm, stuffy, or smoky atmosphere in a room. the cozy fug of the music halls Contoh It is all a far cry from the …