
Terjemahan dari imperturbable
tenang sekali
imperturbable, dead calm, cold-livered
yg tak dpt diganggu
unflappable, imperturbable
Definisi imperturbable
unable to be upset or excited; calm.
an imperturbable tranquility
sinonim: self-possessed, composed, calm, cool, and collected, coolheaded, self-controlled, serene, relaxed, unexcitable, even-tempered, placid, phlegmatic, unperturbed, unflustered, unruffled, unflappable, unfazed, nonplussed, laid-back, equanimous
  • self-possessed, composed, calm, cool, and collected, coolheaded, self-controlled, serene,relaxed, unexcitable, even-tempered, placid, phlegmatic, unperturbed, unflustered, unruffled,unflappable, unfazed, nonplussed, laid-back, equanimous
  • unflappable
The fax was pouring out messages, the telephone had barely stopped and the loyal secretary was still at her station in the office, cool and imperturbable as ever.
I had various curious cases against him at the Bar – hard and evenly fought battles – in which he wasimperturbable .
Through what is called neutrality of tone, philosophical discourse must also guarantee the neutrality or at least the imperturbable serenity that should accompany the relation to the true and the universal.
I was imperturbable at work, never losing my patience or raising my voice.
It would be difficult to praise his work as Book Review Editor more highly than it deserves, and those of us who have worked with him most closely will miss his imperturbable good humor and complete reliability.
It felt classy and utterly imperturbable – the sort of place where the band might play Stormy Weather in a raging typhoon.
One secret of the success of the English was, perhaps, their imperturbable tolerance.
His distaste for big inert words – words like omniscient, impassable and imperturbable , which he finds other theologians using to describe God – inspires his own desire for accessibility.
It’s very much like the radiance of falling in love, but it’s not the ordinary falling in love where we’re still involved in attachment and aversion; it’s a radiance that is imperturbable because totally ultimate.
On the contrary, when all others have given up in despair, these persons stand imperturbable in the face of peril, relying for support not on material things, but on the soundness of reason and on their own superior judgement.
She looked down and felt a strange sense of imperturbable calm.
Buddhism is the pursuit of inner-peace through meditation – through his own, diligent efforts, the Buddhist hopes to arrive at this imperturbable , sanguine state of being.
Earl Alexander was a military commander with little taste for panache but distinguished byimperturbable confidence.
In fact, it would be in deep trouble if it was relying on the utterly solid, sweet-natured andimperturbable country boy for dramatic tension.
This ice has a character different from the clear, unblemished ice, as if all the hardship of those periods congealed to create a solid, imperturbable substance.
But emotionally he found it extremely difficult to resign himself to the disappearance of that invigorating militancy and that imperturbable self-assurance that had marked the working class in the 1970s.
We shall no longer have to plan and toil to spread imperturbable conceit and incurable ignorance among men.
The prosecutors liked me because my professional experience as a media researcher had steeled me against public abuse and made me imperturbable under cross examination.
But the square looks in on itself, exuding an air of imperturbable gentility.
Despite the exclamation mark, he talks in the flat, imperturbable vowels of Sussex, his voice rising not so much in volume as in exasperation.
Yet for many making the link, it is undoubtedly his imperturbability rather than consistency of play that informs comparisons.
It is this imperturbability that marks him as something special.
‘I just did what I thought was best’ she offered imperturbably , shrugging.
The tracking of the on-screen camera is steady in its course, carefully guided by the technicians at its controls, and imperturbably composed in its implicit attitude toward whatever vicissitudes of life may come within its purview.
For this book, Henry has devised a style – imperturbably sustained – that is numb with cold and hardly admitted hurt.
Time-lapse clips would show me getting conspicuously older as the institutional masonry remainsimperturbably unchanged, but for all that steady aging, my associations with that name still feel fresh.
Robert Mitchum, their co-star, was legendary for his imperturbability .
In the physician or surgeon no quality takes rank with imperturbability .
Alexander was no original thinker but he had many virtues, not the least of which were his personal courage, his imperturbability in battle, and his ability to make friends among whom Churchill counted himself one.
‘I’d hate to meet the bad cop,’ smiles Williams imperturbably – an exquisite one-liner.
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Terjemahan dari imperturbable
tenang sekali
imperturbable, dead calm, cold-livered
yg tak dpt diganggu
unflappable, imperturbable



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