Terjemahan dari discern verba melihat see, view, look, notice, sight, discern memahami understand, grasp, comprehend, realize, conceive, discern mencamkan imbibe, impress, discern, pay close attention, fix, convince Definisi discern verba perceive or recognize (something). I can discern no difference between the two policies Sinonim verba perceive, make out, pick out, detect, recognize, notice, observe, see, …
Terjemahan dari eloquent adjektiva fasih fluent, eloquent, glib, voluble, quick-witted pandai berpidato eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking pandai bicara eloquent, silver-tongued, smooth-talking fasih bicara eloquent, voluble, quick-witted, silver-tongued penuh perasaan soulful, eloquent, lyrical, tasteful yg dpt berbicara lancar voluble, eloquent yg mengesankan memorable, impressive, prepossessing, effective, eloquent, showy Definisi eloquent adjektiva fluent or persuasive in speaking or …
Terjemahan dari mingle verba bergaul associate, mingle, interact, socialize, intercommunicate, assort bercampur mix, mingle, commingle, intermix, amalgamate, alloy bercampur aduk mingle, mix, intermix, commingle, alloy, amalgamate Definisi mingle verba mix or cause to mix together. the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs sinonim: mix, blend, intermingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, …
Terjemahan dari brash adjektiva kurang ajar brash, insolent, brazen, impertinent, impudent, flippant yg lekas pecah fragile, breakable, friable, shivery, cracky, brash nomina tumpukan pecahan brash Definisi brash adjektiva self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way. he could be brash, cocky, and arrogant nomina a mass of fragments, in particular. Sinonim adjektiva self-assertive, pushy, cocksure, …
Terjemahan dari malevolent adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, malevolent berhati dengki malevolent tabiat malevolent Definisi malevolent adjektiva having or showing a wish to do evil to others. the glint of dark, malevolent eyes sinonim: malicious, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, evil-intentioned, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, vengeful, malefic, maleficent Sinonim adjektiva malicious, hostile, …