Terjemahan dari spawn verba menelurkan spawn, lay bertelur spawn, lay menelur spawn, oviposit membiakkan breed, spawn, raise, propagate berpijah spawn menimbulkan create, give rise to, generate, raise, produce, spawn nomina telur ikan caviar, roe, caviare, berry, spawn telur katak spawn bahan jamur spawn Definisi spawn nomina the eggs of fish, frogs, etc.. the fish covers …
Terjemahan dari vial nomina botol kecil vial, phial Definisi vial nomina a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding liquid medicines. Ritter picked up a box off the counter containing three small vials of different colored liquids. Sinonim nomina ampule, ampoule, ampul, phial Contoh She reached down and poured the …
Terjemahan dari pseudo- awalan semu pseudo-, quasi-, pseud- palsu pseudo-, pseud- lancung pseudo-, pseud- gadungan pseudo-, pseud- Definisi pseudo- adjektiva not genuine; sham. we are talking about real journalists and not the pseudo kind sinonim: bogus, sham, phony, artificial, mock, ersatz, quasi-, fake, false, spurious, deceptive, misleading, assumed, contrived, affected, insincere, pretend, put-on awalan supposed …
Artikel Sumber It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able …
Terjemahan dari possum nomina semacam tupai opossum, hamster, possum Definisi possum nomina an opossum. A favourite southern dish is possum and taters: the opossum is parboiled, then salted and peppered and roasted in a pan with peeled, roasted sweet potatoes. a tree-dwelling Australasian marsupial that typically has a prehensile tail. It is what we, as …