
Terjemahan dari peruse
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Definisi peruse
read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way.
he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues
read, study, scrutinize, inspect, examine, wade through, look through, browse through, leaf through, scan, run one’s eye over, glance through, flick through, skim through, thumb through,dip into
You can navigate by country, topic or forum and read expert advice or peruse articles.
He said he needed to peruse these documents before he could make any submissions against the extradition of his client.
At the end of the long room, a grey haired sixty year old man is tapping his desk with his fingers whilstperusing a wad of documents.
It does not have any peruser fees.
Upon opening the door Jack was surprised to find Chris sitting on the couch perusing a medical journal.
Readers who are accustomed to perusing statistical documents know what the set of numbers in the parentheses means.
By now, having thoroughly perused the menu, it was obvious that Haus Munchen was priced very moderately.
Adrian was one of the first people to ever read this blog and has been a consistent peruser for over a year now.
Year upon year, it was voted best new buy and best used buy by an adoring public and perusers of glossy magazines.
She thoroughly perused the room to make sure Pablo was nowhere nearby.
I found myself having a different kind of experience reading this work than I have ever had perusing a materia medica.
But Michelle is no stranger to regular perusers of the pages of Britain’s red-tops.
The Tribunal perused the original and read the copies that were made for its use.
Paranoid, I thought of how easy it would be for her to step out into the sunlight and point my perusersin the right direction.
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