
Terjemahan dari recondite
pent, hidden, latent, recondite, potential, held in the heart
yg sukar dimengerti
berpengetahuan kabur
yg kurang dikenal
tdk meluas
yg disembunyikan
recondite, ulterior, covered
yg tak diketahui orang banyak
Definisi recondite
(of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse.
the book is full of recondite information
sinonim: obscure, abstruse, arcane, esoteric, recherché, profound, difficult, complex, complicated, involved, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable, cryptic, opaque
  • obscure, abstruse, arcane, esoteric, recherché, profound, difficult, complex, complicated,involved, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable, cryptic, opaque
  • abstruse, deep
It is a mine of interesting and recondite information, written by the leading authorities in their fields.
Whether in science, philosophy, or religion, the use of recondite terminology has a tendency to impede the dissemination of useful concepts and theories.
Derrida burst on to the world stage in the 1960s with his recondite theory known as deconstruction.
Imagery is of central importance to all three poets, and their use of images is daring, varied, and frequently recondite .
Hellenistic literature displayed (sometimes in one and the same work) a mandarin artificiality full ofrecondite , learned allusions and a lively, realistic interest in everyday life.
The biographer’s contextualising presence allows us to catch even the most recondite allusion.
I have known non-intellectual teachers and writers with a marvelous capacity for getting reconditepoints across to the most obtuse student or reader.
But if you dress up the idea in a forbidding vocabulary, full of neologisms and recondite references to philosophy, then you may have a prescription for academic stardom.
Let’s show the world that we can be lucid and enthusiastic explainers of recondite ideas, not merely the flamboyant show-offs that unfair stereotypes so often paint us to be.
And if the model of critical practice sounds urbane, recondite and not a little esoteric, it need not be dull.
The recondite topic of usury allowed Noonan to consider the problem of doctrinal development at greater length.
They must have found their teacher too sophisticated, too full of recondite allusions for them to follow.
She metamorphosed into a highly intelligent woman who engaged the General on recondite matters of French history and culture.
The Buddha’s monks were not to speculate about the future or the past, or about such reconditequestions as the beginning or end of the world.
His accompanying text may not answer every question on this recondite subject.
Such recondite periphrasis brought its own reward.
Hansen uses short sentences and has a knack for clarifying opaque and recondite ideas.
Bruce was a lively and fascinating speaker, with a huge fund of anecdotes and recondite facts.
Feeling uncertain of his understanding of the mathematical concepts, he asked senior mathematicians to test his grasp of the more recondite concepts.
He took his stories from writers more recondite than Ovid and Livy, the sources for the painters of the Bourbon monarchy and the Napoleonic empire.
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