Terjemahan dari sally nomina gurauan joke, jest, prank, witticism, witty remark, sally kelakar banter, prank, antics, pleasantry, game, sally gurau joke, jest, prank, witticism, witty remark, sally serangan tiba-tiba sneak attack, sally, sortie, fit, paroxysm verba pergi keluar run out, sneak out, sally Definisi sally nomina a sudden charge out of a besieged place against …
Terjemahan dari suburb nomina kota satelit suburb, satellite town, satellite bagian pinggir kota suburb Definisi suburb nomina an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. The subjects come from a variety of backgrounds, from inner city ghettoes to upmarket suburbs . sinonim: residential area, dormitory area, bedroom community, commuter shed, commuter belt, exurb, …
Terjemahan dari pimp nomina germo pimp, procurer, pander, brothel keeper muncikari pimp, matchmaker, procuress calo pander, pimp alku pimp, procurer jaruman needlework, stitch, procurer, pimp ceti moneylender, pimp Definisi pimp nomina a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. She used to drive even prostitutes and …
Terjemahan dari coagulant nomina zat pengental coagulant Definisi coagulant nomina a substance that causes blood or another liquid to coagulate. Virtually every major type of water treatment chemical is used by the pulp and paper industry; coagulants and corrosion inhibitors are the two leading product families. Sinonim nomina coagulator Contoh I’ll give a sedative, then …
Terjemahan dari annals nomina sejarah history, annals, chronicle tawarikh annals Definisi annals nomina a record of events year by year. eighth-century Northumberland annals sinonim: records, archives, chronicles, accounts, registers, muniments Sinonim nomina records, archives, chronicles, accounts, registers, muniments chronological record Contoh the deed will live forever in the annals of infamy When the annals of …