Terjemahan dari tenement nomina rumah petak tenement tanah sewa tenement Definisi tenement nomina a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments. The flat was part of a refurbished block of tenements that belonged to a housing co-operative. a piece of land held by an owner. …
Terjemahan dari righteous adjektiva adil fair, just, equitable, righteous, impartial, impersonal berbudi righteous, courteous, high-toned budiman wise, righteous, sapiential, good, solomonic yg pd tempatnya righteous, felicitous, pointful tdk palsu righteous Definisi righteous adjektiva (of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous. he is a good, righteous man, I am sure sinonim: good, virtuous, …
Terjemahan dari acquaintance nomina kenalan acquaintance pengetahuan knowledge, science, knowing, lore, learning, acquaintance Definisi acquaintance nomina a person’s knowledge or experience of something. the students had little acquaintance with the language sinonim: familiarity with, knowledge of, experience with/of, awareness of, understanding of, comprehension of, grasp of a person one knows slightly, but who is not …
Terjemahan dari tavern nomina warung shop, stall, store, tavern, small shop, stand kedai minuman tavern rumah minum tavern, bar Definisi tavern nomina an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food. A four-hour course and a booklet are being offered to restaurants, bars, taverns …
Terjemahan dari speedy adjektiva cepat fast, quick, rapid, prompt, speedy, swift banter speedy, fast, quick, loud Definisi speedy adjektiva done or occurring quickly. a speedy recovery sinonim: rapid, swift, quick, fast, prompt, immediate, expeditious, express, brisk, sharp, whirlwind, lightning, meteoric, hasty, hurried, precipitate, breakneck, rushed, PDQ, pretty damn quick, snappy, quickie moving quickly. a speedy …