Fathom artinya memahami, mengerti nomina a unit of length equal to six feet (approximately 1.8 m), chiefly used in reference to the depth of water. sonar says that we’re in eighteen fathoms verba understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought. he could scarcely fathom the idea that people actually lived in …
Terjemahan dari solarium nomina beranda veranda, porch, verandah, terrace, solarium, cloister jam matahari solarium Definisi solarium nomina a room fitted with extensive areas of glass to admit sunlight. It was a solarium , almost like a greenhouse room furnished with kitchen appliances instead of plants. Sinonim nomina sunroom, sun lounge, sun parlor, sun porch Contoh …
(adj.) logically consistent, intelligible (William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.) Terjemahan dari coherent adjektiva koheren coherent jelas clear, obvious, evident, plain, vivid, coherent terang bright, light, clear, candid, luminous, coherent masuk akal reasonable, plausible, rational, sound, coherent, reasoned bertalian secara logis coherent …
Terjemahan dari instigate verba menghasut incite, instigate, stir up, provoke, foment, bolster mendesak urge, insist, push, press, demand, instigate menggosok rub, scrub, polish, scour, wipe, instigate memberangsangkan make angry, instigate, incite menganjurkan recommend, advocate, encourage, suggest, advise, instigate memprovokasi provoke, instigate Definisi instigate verba bring about or initiate (an action or event). they instigated a …
Terjemahan dari smithy nomina bengkel pandai besi forge, smithy Definisi smithy nomina a blacksmith’s workshop; a forge. Sometimes, when someone mentions a blacksmith’s forge, I find myself instantaneously back in my childhood, visiting a local smithy . Sinonim nomina forge Contoh Whether you’re a master tailor, smithy , jeweler, alchemist or other master of a …