Definisi chomp verba munch or chew vigorously and noisily. he chomped on his sandwich sinonim: munch, crunch, chew, bite, champ fret impatiently. he waited, chomping at her nonappearance nomina a chewing noise or action. Colorful bands on a butterfly’s wing provide camouflage among leaves and flowers, of course, but they can also divert a predator’s …
Terjemahan dari disfigure verba menjelekkan vilify, disfigure, speak ill of, besmirch, disfeature menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, disfigure membuat cacat deform, disfigure, disfeature membuat cacad disfigure, deform, disfeature Definisi disfigure verba spoil the attractiveness of. litter disfigures the countryside sinonim: mar, spoil, deface, scar, blemish, uglify, damage, injure, impair, blight, mutilate, deform, maim, ruin, …
Terjemahan dari bummer nomina gelandangan bum, tramp, bummer, vagrant, hobo, vagabond Definisi bummer nomina a thing that is annoying or disappointing. the party was a real bummer a loafer or vagrant. A good number of men now filling high places in the land have been, in their Californian days, bummers . kata seru used to …
Terjemahan dari crummy adjektiva tdk bagus crummy, inurbane yg tdk memuaskan unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, lame, pitiful, crummy Definisi crummy adjektiva dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality. a crummy little room Sinonim adjektiva punk, bum, sleazy, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, tinny Contoh I’m having a crummy week so far and it’s only Tuesday. I began going to the …
Terjemahan dari predecessor nomina pendahulu predecessor, precursor, forerunner leluhur ancestor, ancestry, progenitor, father, forebear, predecessor orang yg disebut lebih dulu predecessor Definisi predecessor nomina a person who held a job or office before the current holder. the new president’s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor sinonim: forerunner, precursor, antecedent Sinonim nomina …