Definisi wacko nomina a crazy person. In any case, I do think that trying to characterize the anti-war movement by the wackos is just what I said: a misrepresentation of the political opposition. adjektiva mad; insane. his willingness to pursue every wacko idea that enters his mind Sinonim nomina whacko, nutter Contoh Maybe agreeing with …
Terjemahan dari canine nomina anjing dog, canine, pooch, hound, Canis, despicable fellow taring canine, tusk, tush, canine tooth gigi taring canine, canine tooth, cuspid, fang, dog tooth gigi asu dog tooth, canine, canine tooth, fang, cuspid adjektiva berkenaan dgn anjing canine Definisi canine adjektiva of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs. canine distemper …
Terjemahan dari bequest nomina warisan heritage, legacy, inheritance, patrimony, bequest, heirdom turunan derivative, descendant, generation, transcription, inheritance, bequest pusaka heritage, heirloom, relic, bequest, heirdom hibah grant, bequest Definisi bequest nomina a legacy. her $135,000 was the largest bequest the library ever has received sinonim: legacy, inheritance, endowment, settlement, estate, heritage, bestowal, devise, hereditament Sinonim nomina …
Terjemahan dari domicile nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, domicile domisile domicile Definisi domicile nomina the country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. his wife has a domicile of origin in Germany verba treat a specified country as a permanent home. the …
Terjemahan dari imperturbable adjektiva tenang sekali imperturbable, dead calm, cold-livered yg tak dpt diganggu unflappable, imperturbable Definisi imperturbable adjektiva unable to be upset or excited; calm. an imperturbable tranquility sinonim: self-possessed, composed, calm, cool, and collected, coolheaded, self-controlled, serene, relaxed, unexcitable, even-tempered, placid, phlegmatic, unperturbed, unflustered, unruffled, unflappable, unfazed, nonplussed, laid-back, equanimous Sinonim adjektiva self-possessed, …