Terjemahan dari contender nomina lawan opponent, opposite, enemy, rival, adversary, contender penyaing contender pendebat debater, contender pembantah disputant, exceptant, contender Sinonim contender nomina challenger, rival, competition, competitor Comments comments
Terjemahan dari habitation nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place kediaman residence, dwelling, house, habitation, residency, rooms tempat kediaman residence, house, habitation, residency, dwelling, houseroom pemukiman settlement, habitation permukiman settlement, habitation mukim habitation tempat kedudukan seat, site, habitation tempat untuk didiami habitation kampung village, town, hutment, habitation Definisi habitation nomina the state …
Terjemahan dari rife adjektiva penuh full, complete, whole, fraught, replete, rife tersebar luas wide-spread, rife banyak many, much, ample, plentiful, considerable, rife umum general, common, public, generic, prevalent, rife biasa usual, regular, ordinary, normal, common, rife yg mempunyai banyak rife yg meluas rife, wide-spread Definisi rife adjektiva (especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common …
Terjemahan dari trumpet nomina terompet trumpet, horn, bugle bunyi terompet trumpet, toot, trumpet call slompret trumpet selompret bugle, trumpet verba menyiarkan broadcast, air, spread, relay, flash, trumpet memainkan terompet trumpet Definisi trumpet nomina a brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. The modern instrument has the tubing looped to form …
Terjemahan dari uphold verba menegakkan uphold, establish, maintain, erect, hold up, right menjunjung tinggi uphold, idolize menguatkan reinforce, confirm, corroborate, amplify, toughen, uphold membenarkan justify, confirm, condone, correct, warrant, uphold memperkalang honor, prop, support, uphold, honour Definisi uphold verba confirm or support (something that has been questioned). the court upheld his claim for damages sinonim: …