Terjemahan dari mull verba memikirkan think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, mull mempertimbangkan consider, take into consideration, examine, allow, judge, mull memperkusut mull, dishevel, tangle, disorder, puzzle, perplex mengusuntukan tangle, disarrange, entangle, tousle, clutter, mull memikir think, consider, speculate, ponder, care, mull nomina kekusutan clutter, tangle, plexus, snarl, convolution, mull tanjung cape, headland, promontory, foreland, bluff, …
Terjemahan dari descend verba turun down, fall, go down, drop, get off, descend menuruni descend, climb down menghinggapi descend, get attacked by, alight, light hinggap perch, alight, descend, attack singgah stop by, visit, call, drop in, stop in, descend mampir stop by, drop in, stop off, stop in, come by, descend mewarisi inherit, heir, succeed, …
Terjemahan dari scurrilous adjektiva keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, scurrilous kotor dirty, filthy, gross, grubby, soiled, scurrilous kasar rude, rough, coarse, bearish, rugged, scurrilous carut bawdy, vulgar, scurrilous, ribald tdk senonoh dissipated, improper, spicy, indecent, outrageous, scurrilous Definisi scurrilous adjektiva making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation. …
Terjemahan dari promulgate verba menyebarluaskan disseminate, propagate, promulgate, blaze abroad memaklumkan promulgate, serve notice, advise memberitahukan tell, notify, inform, give, announce, promulgate mengajarkan teach, preach, lecture, promulgate mengumumkan dgn resmi promulgate Definisi promulgate verba promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization sinonim: make known, …
Terjemahan dari concur verba setuju agree, concur, approve, sympathize, be in agreement, come around sependapat agree, concur, accord bertepatan coincide, concur, consist terjadi bersamaan concur sependirian agree, concur, accord bertindak bersamaan concur, conspire Definisi concur verba be of the same opinion; agree. the authors concurred with the majority sinonim: agree, be in agreement, go along, …