
Terjemahan dari annual
annual, yearly, perennial, anniversary, Etesian
tiap tahun
buku tahunan
yearbook, annual
tanaman tahunan
Definisi annual
occurring once every year.
the union’s annual conference
sinonim: yearly, once-a-year, every twelve months, year-end
a book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents.
a Christmas annual
  • yearly, once-a-year, every twelve months, year-end
  • year-long, twelve-month
  • one-year
  • yearly
  • yearbook, yearly
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Between April and June of 2003 national income grew at an annual rate of 2.4 percent, the fastest in nearly a year.
Blue mustard is a winter annual weed, with seed germinating in late summer and fall.
The annual rate of increase in women has averaged 4.8 percent for the past decade compared to an average of 3.1 percent for men.
Chloroacetanilide herbicides are widely used for the control of annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds in a variety of major crops such as maize and soybeans.
The German business magazine Capital has just published its annual list of the country’s best employers.
This is not the year to plant ornamentals and annual flowers.
The conference is the premier annual event in cardiology on the medical education calendar in the region.
an annual fee of €50
This eagerly anticipated annual event once again drew the crowds and this time there was the added attraction of an extra race on the town centre circuit.
The members of Athy Town Council have agreed on an increase in the annual commercial rate of 6.5%.
At Rentokil’s annual director conference the event has traditionally ended with a formal dinner.
annual holiday
Several herbicides can help control winter annual grasses and weeds in alfalfa.
He hopes that this tournament can become an annual event, perhaps even once every term.
Not unremarkable is the increase in agricultural production, which has increased at the annual rate of 3.9 percent.
I can state for a fact that my neighbour will come out of hibernation to plant his annual crop of potatoes on Good Friday.
This will take the form of a direct annual €1,000 payment for each child until they reach school-going age.
The annual conference of any political party is a highly controlled event, an exhibition of party unity and leadership authority.
This legislation confirms the annual income tax rates for the 2003-04 year.
And that profit growth looks set to continue, after Serco published its annual results this morning.
Create privacy screens by planting fast-growing annual vines up trellises around your patio.
Starting an annual flower garden from seed is one of the greatest joys of spring gardening.
Since they die at the end of each growing season, annual weeds may be successfully controlled by cultivation or mowing.
Teresa Hunter examines how banks are bamboozling their customers with the very complex methods of calculating annual percentage rates
I will now turn to annual rates of income tax, because this is, I suppose, the issue that hurts us most.
You could also use dried sunflower stalks to make a trellis for annual vines.
She did a series of Reith Lectures, the annual six-part lecture series for the BBC on trust.
At the time, Bill was writing a yearly annual called the Player Ratings Book.
If they are still not wilted when it’s time to plant my annual flowers, I just plant the annuals in between the bulbs.
The shire currently collects an annual $15 service charge for bush fire brigades.
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annual leave, annual report, annual income, annual revenue, annual fee, annual general meeting, annual meeting, annual salary, annual sales, annual return
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[…] baseball strike of 1994-95, which kept the public from seeing the annual World Series, was not a typical labor dispute in which low-paid workers try to persuade their […]

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