
Terjemahan dari fringe
edge, side, skirting, rim, fringe, border
edge, side, edging, brink, fringe, verge
fringe, quid, edge
tassel, frill, fringe, tuft
tassel, fringe
golongan pinggir
ekor kuda
ponytail, horsetail, fringe
lingkaran pinggir
edge, fringe
hug, run along, trace, skirt, fringe, go along the edge
Definisi fringe
not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme.
fringe theater
an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material.
Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth with embroidery and the addition of fringes , tassels, and pompoms.
sinonim: edging, edge, border, trimming, frill, flounce, ruffle, tassels, purfle
the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
his uncles were on the fringes of crooked activity
sinonim: unconventional, unorthodox, alternative, avant-garde, experimental, innovative, left-field, innovatory, radical, extreme, peripheral, off-off Broadway, offbeat, way out; perimeter, periphery, border, borderline, margin, rim, outer edge, edge, extremity, limit, outer limits, limits, borders, bounds, outskirts, marge
a band of contrasting brightness or darkness produced by diffraction or interference of light.
According to Young, diffraction fringes occur as a result of interference between the incident wave and a wave arising from the edge of a diffracting aperture or body.
decorate (clothing or material) with a fringe.
a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet
sinonim: trim, edge, hem, border, bind, braid, decorate, adorn, ornament, embellish, finish, purfle
Lebih sedikit definisi
  • perimeter, periphery, border, borderline, margin, rim, outer edge, edge, extremity, limit, outer limits, limits, borders, bounds, outskirts, marge
  • edging, edge, border, trimming, frill, flounce, ruffle, tassels, purfle
  • periphery
  • bang
  • outskirt
  • trim, edge, hem, border, bind, braid, decorate, adorn, ornament, embellish, finish, purfle
  • border, edge, bound, skirt, line, surround, enclose, encircle, circle, girdle, encompass, ring,gird
Lebih sedikit sinonim
Increasingly, the unions will be left alone, out on the fringe .
He had black and blonde hair with a long fringe that drooped over his left eye, giving him a sort of mysterious look.
You would also do well with a textured fringe or a fringe that was longer on the sides and slightly shorter in the middle.
He stopped and turned around, pushing his fringe out of his deep dark eyes, glistening with tears.
The skirt is a houndstooth print with black leather trim and a fringe at the hem.
Yet every radical justice movement-from abolition to suffrage-started on the fringe .
He was aged about 30 to 35 with shoulder-length dark brown hair and a long fringe .
The other gallery owner and the two artists of the rejected paintings have a connection to political activism, which they note has developed out of their experiences in fringe camps.
she smiled as she pushed her fringe back out of her eyes
Many of the people in this list were former or freed slaves, people at the end of their lives or careers who were hanging on to their former glory, or people on the fringe of society.
They’re not going to listen to people on the fringe .
More severe penalties is the answer, as this will deter the youths on the fringe who join them.
A guy who had been considered a fringe radical just a few years earlier was suddenly a serious statesman.
Over on the Miami mainland, an alternative fringe art fair fired up its own energy.
I suppose I was part of the burnout clique, but I was definitely on the fringe .
The fringe on owls’ trailing feathers, however, allows for ‘a very large noise reduction at the speed owls fly,’ he said.
There were stirrings on the fringe , too, where students were listening to Bob Dylan and rock and roll.
They felt like they were on the fringe of American society.
Start getting experience with fringe shows and repertory theatres, particularly those with young designer programmes.
My hairdresser was cutting my fringe quickly and expertly.
Roughly ten days after beginning your fringe theatre experience, you return to the rest of your life, eager to re-orient yourself.
Simon rolled his eyes and picked up a black teddy with a pompom fringe .
a long fringe of hair on the tail
I lie under a tartan rug and my fingers twist and plait its fringe .
Though most of these extreme groups are on the fringe , they are increasingly attracting votes and making coalitions with mainstream parties such as in Europe.
Stems and leaves have a fringe of fine hairs that are particularly appealing when plants are side- or back-lit by the sun.
The man was white, in his thirties, quite tall, with pale skin and black, shoulder length hair with a shortfringe .
Indeed the 34-year-old has even had her hair cut stylishly short with a fringe in the hope that she might look less like a ballet dancer in her everyday life.
And even though mainstream acceptance of our Way is gaining ground yearly, we are still on the fringe, and still suspect.
Chun Sue fashions herself as renegade, on the fringe of culture.
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