Terjemahan dari clog verba menyumbat clog, plug, stuff, gag, cork, wad tersumbat clog, choke menghalangi prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, clog mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, clog menghalang-halangi obscure, cut off, clog membantuti clog mampat clog nomina bakiak clog tekelek clog Nomina a shoe with a thick wooden sole. Traditional footwear is sandals or …
Terjemahan dari disfigure verba menjelekkan vilify, disfigure, speak ill of, besmirch, disfeature menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, disfigure membuat cacat deform, disfigure, disfeature membuat cacad disfigure, deform, disfeature Definisi disfigure verba spoil the attractiveness of. litter disfigures the countryside sinonim: mar, spoil, deface, scar, blemish, uglify, damage, injure, impair, blight, mutilate, deform, maim, ruin, …
Terjemahan dari revulsion nomina perubahan change, shift, alteration, amendment, transformation, revulsion rasa jijik contempt, revulsion, repulsion, aversion, scunner, execration rasa muak revulsion, nausea, qualm, qualmishness reaksi mendadak revulsion pembelokan perhatian revulsion perubahan tiba-tiba revulsion, flip-flop Definisi revulsion nomina a sense of disgust and loathing. news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion …
Terjemahan dari drone nomina dengung buzz, hum, drone, purr dengungan buzz, hum, drone, purr, propaganda gemuruh rumble, thunder, peal, drone, din, crasher lebah jantan drone pemalas idler, slacker, sluggard, lazy person, lazybones, drone verba berdengung buzz, drone berbicara dgn membosankan drone, prose Definisi drone nomina a low continuous humming sound. he nodded off to the …
penyakit gila yg mengkhayalkan dirinya seperti orang agung Definisi megalomania nomina obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. His brash style and megalomania also make him enemies. sinonim: delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust for power, self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness Sinonim nomina delusions of grandeur, folie de grandeur, thirst/lust …