Terjemahan dari recondite adjektiva terpendam pent, hidden, latent, recondite, potential, held in the heart yg sukar dimengerti recondite berpengetahuan kabur recondite yg kurang dikenal recondite tdk meluas recondite yg disembunyikan recondite, ulterior, covered yg tak diketahui orang banyak recondite Definisi recondite adjektiva (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse. the book is full of …
Terjemahan dari omen nomina pertanda sign, omen, foreshadow, presage, premonition, augury tanda sign, mark, signal, alert, token, omen alamat address, mailing address, sign, omen, blazon, target perlambang omen bakat talent, flair, aptitude, gift, makings, omen faal function, work, deed, sign, omen Definisi omen nomina an event regarded as a portent of good or evil. the …
Terjemahan dari invective nomina makian invective, abuse, damn, cursing, slang, vituperation caci maki scorn, abuse, invective, obscenities, insult, contumely cercaan insult, slur, lambasting, reprimand, censure, invective cerca lambasting, revilement, scorn, invective, snapper, reprimand Definisi invective nomina insulting, abusive, or highly critical language. he let out a stream of invective sinonim: abuse, insults, expletives, swear words, …
Terjemahan dari indict verba mendakwa indict, accuse, charge, impeach, incriminate, inculpate menuduh accuse, charge, indict, incriminate, tax, arraign menuntut demand, sue, require, prosecute, claim, indict mengajukan dakwaan indict, initiate proceedings mengajukan file, submit, propose, lodge, put forward, indict Definisi indict verba formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime. his former manager was indicted …
Terjemahan dari comprehension nomina pemahaman comprehension komprehensi comprehension daya paham comprehension, perception pengartian cognition, meaning, sense, notion, perceptivity, comprehension daya menanggapi sesuatu perception, comprehension Definisi comprehension nomina the action or capability of understanding something. some won’t have the least comprehension of what I’m trying to do sinonim: understanding, grasp, conception, apprehension, cognition, ken, knowledge, awareness, …