bunyi letusan kecil
the chug of a motorboat
Chris took a long chug of his beer
he could hear the pipes chugging
Avery chugged a cup of coffee
bunyi letusan kecil
the chug of a motorboat
Chris took a long chug of his beer
he could hear the pipes chugging
Avery chugged a cup of coffee
Terjemahan dari clog verba menyumbat clog, plug, stuff, gag, cork, wad tersumbat clog, choke menghalangi prevent, hinder, deter, preclude, impede, clog mengganggu interfere, bother, disturb, disrupt, interrupt, clog menghalang-halangi obscure, cut off, clog membantuti clog mampat clog nomina bakiak clog tekelek clog Nomina a shoe with a thick wooden sole. Traditional footwear is sandals or …
Terjemahan dari litigation nomina proses pengadilan litigation jalannya perkara litigation Definisi litigation nomina the process of taking legal action. the company wishes to avoid litigation sinonim: legal proceedings, legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, suit, prosecution, indictment Sinonim nomina legal proceedings, legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, suit, prosecution,indictment judicial proceeding …
Terjemahan dari suburb nomina kota satelit suburb, satellite town, satellite bagian pinggir kota suburb Definisi suburb nomina an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. The subjects come from a variety of backgrounds, from inner city ghettoes to upmarket suburbs . sinonim: residential area, dormitory area, bedroom community, commuter shed, commuter belt, exurb, …
Terjemahan dari paroxysm nomina serangan hebat onslaught, paroxysm luapan mendadak paroxysm serangan tiba-tiba sneak attack, sally, sortie, fit, paroxysm Definisi paroxysm nomina a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity. a paroxysm of weeping sinonim: spasm, attack, fit, burst, bout, convulsion, seizure, outburst, eruption, explosion, access Sinonim nomina spasm, attack, fit, …
Terjemahan dari cliche nomina kata klise cliche klise percetakan cliche Definisi cliché nomina a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. the old cliché “one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” sinonim: platitude, hackneyed phrase, commonplace, banality, old saying, maxim, truism, stock phrase, trite phrase, old chestnut a stereotype …