Terjemahan dari covenant nomina perjanjian agreement, treaty, covenant, deal, contract, pact persetujuan approval, consent, agreement, assent, accord, covenant akad contract, agreement, covenant verba mengadakan perjanjian covenant, make a bargain mengadakan persetujuan covenant, make a bargain menanggung jawab atas perjanjian covenant Definisi covenant nomina an agreement. But the fact that he is abusing the marriage covenant …
Terjemahan dari concede verba mengakui admit, recognize, acknowledge, confess, concede, profess menyerah give up, surrender, give in, yield, submit, concede menyerahkan submit, hand, give, hand over, give up, concede mengizinkan allow, permit, authorize, consent, grant, concede membenarkan justify, confirm, condone, correct, warrant, concede memberi hak authorize, capacitate, charter, warrant, concede, seat Definisi concede verba admit …
Terjemahan dari mate nomina pasangan pair, partner, mate, duo, set, counterpart suami husband, man, spouse, mate, consort, yokefellow rekan colleague, associate, companion, mate, friend, comrade teman friend, companion, mate, comrade, associate, compeer jodoh mate, partner istri wife, spouse, woman, consort, housewife, mate betina female, cow, slut, mate, woman jantan cock, stag, tom, mate perwira kapal …
Terjemahan dari temerity nomina keberanian courage, bravery, nerve, guts, boldness, temerity kesembronoan levity, carelessness, thoughtlessness, recklessness, negligence, temerity Definisi temerity nomina excessive confidence or boldness; audacity. no one had the temerity to question his conclusions sinonim: audacity, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek, gall, presumption, daring, face, front, neck, chutzpah Sinonim nomina audacity, nerve, effrontery, impudence, …
Terjemahan dari manner nomina cara way, how, manner, means, mode, method sikap attitude, gesture, manner, demeanor, posture, pose gaya style, force, fashion, manner, genre, energy macam kind, sort, manner, variety, type, species ragam manner, kind, fad, style, type, whim olah manner, trick rentak behavior, tramp, time, measure, manner, behaviour lagu song, tune, piece, melody, number, …