Terjemahan dari grovel verba merendahkan diri descend, grovel, cringe, truckle, abase oneself, demean oneself menghinakan diri grovel menyembah-nyembah grovel nomina penghinaan diri grovel Definisi grovel verba lie or move abjectly on the ground with one’s face downward. she was groveling on the floor in fear sinonim: prostrate oneself, lie, kneel, cringe Sinonim verba prostrate oneself, …
Terjemahan dari petard nomina petasan firecracker, fireworks, squib, petard, sky rocket, spitdevil kembang api fireworks, squib, petard, spitdevil, fluff gib, sky rocket Definisi petard nomina a small bomb made of a metal or wooden box filled with powder, used to blast down a door or to make a hole in a wall. Machine guns in …
Terjemahan dari lunatic adjektiva gila crazy, mad, insane, nuts, lunatic, crazed nomina orang gila crazy, madman, lunatic, psycho, maniac, nut Definisi lunatic adjektiva mentally ill (not in technical use). Do you remember that one episode of X-Files with that crazed lunatic writer who was in love with Scully? nomina a mentally ill person (not in …
Terjemahan dari surfeit nomina kejenuhan saturation, surfeit, satiation, satiety, overfullness kekenyangan glut, satiety, satiation, surfeit kelebihan excess, surplus, redundancy, superiority, overage, surfeit kejemuan boredom, satiety, surfeit, bellyful, satiation muak nausea, queasiness, bellyful, qualm, qualmishness, surfeit mual nausea, queasiness, bellyful, qualm, qualmishness, surfeit verba makan sampai jenuh surfeit Definisi surfeit nomina an excessive amount of something. …
Terjemahan dari debauchee nomina orang gasang debauchee, lecher Definisi debauchee nomina a person given to excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. Within a few years, Carbonneau, ‘a debauchee and libertine’ had frittered away her money on dubious enterprises. Sinonim nomina rounder, libertine Contoh The reality is a disturbingly different film, dark and sombre, a 17th century …