Terjemahan dari disfigure verba menjelekkan vilify, disfigure, speak ill of, besmirch, disfeature menodai tarnish, stain, taint, desecrate, sully, disfigure membuat cacat deform, disfigure, disfeature membuat cacad disfigure, deform, disfeature Definisi disfigure verba spoil the attractiveness of. litter disfigures the countryside sinonim: mar, spoil, deface, scar, blemish, uglify, damage, injure, impair, blight, mutilate, deform, maim, ruin, …
Prevail artinya menang, menguasai Prevail artinya berlaku Prevail juga berarti membujuk Prevail juga berarti merata, tersebar luas Contoh Kalimat : Their collective rights prevail over individual or corporate monopoly interests. He was of course, feeling the paternal love which can prevail over all other emotions. Its name derives from romance, the literary form in which …
Terjemahan dari serpent nomina ular snake, serpent naga dragon, serpent pengkhianat licin serpent Definisi serpent nomina a large snake. Join us each day for stories about serpents , from flying snakes to Vietnamese cobras and North American copperheads. a sly or treacherous person, especially one who exploits a position of trust in order to betray …
Terjemahan dari pathetic adjektiva sedih sad, miserable, sorrowful, depressed, mournful, pathetic pedih poignant, sore, smarting, acute, pathetic yg menyedihkan pitiful, sad, miserable, dumpish, pathetic, heartrending Definisi pathetic adjektiva arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her sinonim: pitiful, pitiable, piteous, moving, touching, poignant, plaintive, distressing, …
Terjemahan dari trumpet nomina terompet trumpet, horn, bugle bunyi terompet trumpet, toot, trumpet call slompret trumpet selompret bugle, trumpet verba menyiarkan broadcast, air, spread, relay, flash, trumpet memainkan terompet trumpet Definisi trumpet nomina a brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. The modern instrument has the tubing looped to form …