Terjemahan dari insurmountable adjektiva yg tdk dpt diatasi insurmountable, insuperable yg tdk dpt dinaiki insurmountable Definisi insurmountable adjektiva too great to be overcome. an insurmountable problem sinonim: insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable, overwhelming, hopeless, impossible Sinonim adjektiva insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable, overwhelming, hopeless, impossible unsurmountable insuperable Lebih sedikit sinonim Contoh More cyclists would need to take …
Terjemahan dari dubious adjektiva yg diragukan dubious, questionable, equivocal, ambiguous, clouded, fishy yg dpt disangsikan disputable, dubious yg kurang dpt dipercaya dubious ragu-ragu undecided, uncertain, indecisive, irresolute, hesitant, dubious Definisi dubious adjektiva hesitating or doubting. Alex looked dubious, but complied sinonim: doubtful, uncertain, unsure, hesitant, undecided, indefinite, unresolved, up in the air, vacillating, irresolute, skeptical, …
Terjemahan dari paroxysm nomina serangan hebat onslaught, paroxysm luapan mendadak paroxysm serangan tiba-tiba sneak attack, sally, sortie, fit, paroxysm Definisi paroxysm nomina a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity. a paroxysm of weeping sinonim: spasm, attack, fit, burst, bout, convulsion, seizure, outburst, eruption, explosion, access Sinonim nomina spasm, attack, fit, …
Terjemahan dari hatch verba menetas hatch, incubate, crack open mengeramkan hatch menetaskan incubate, hatch, cause to break out mengeram incubate, brood, hatch, imprison merencanakan plan, plot, devise, design, schedule, hatch menggores scratch, scrape, etch, strike, touch, hatch nomina lubang palka hatch pengeraman incubation, hatch, sitting garis line, stripe, streak, contour, dash, hatch gores scratch, scar, …
Terjemahan dari whore nomina sundal prostitute, whore, callgirl perempuan jalang bitch, prostitute, whore, slut, moll, floozy perempuan cabul prostitute, harlot, minx, callgirl, whore, bitch perempuan tuna susila minx, harlot, prostitute, callgirl, whore, bitch wanita pelacur prostitute, harlot, tramp, moll, whore, callgirl cabo callgirl, prostitute, whore wanita jalang tramp, floozy, harlot, prostitute, callgirl, whore wanita p …