Terjemahan dari eminence nomina keunggulan excellence, superiority, primacy, supremacy, predominance, eminence bukit hill, mount, heights, eminence, swell, knap keutamaan virtue, superiority, eminence, eminency kemasyhuran fame, notoriety, renown, spurs, luster, eminence kebesaran greatness, grandeur, majesty, magnificence, pomp, eminence kedudukan terkemuka eminency, eminence tempat yg tinggi eminence, eminency Definisi eminence nomina fame or recognized superiority, especially within …
Terjemahan dari amidst preposisi di kalangan amid, amidst di tengah-tengah midst, amid, amidst, in the thick of Contoh amidst There was quite a bit of tartan, along with the more traditionally sombre garb, and many smiles amidstthe tears. Eggs hidden inside the cab of a toy truck or amidst the set of wooden blocks will …
Terjemahan dari villainous adjektiva jahat evil, bad, wicked, malicious, sinister, villainous keji vile, nasty, vicious, despicable, wicked, villainous kejam cruel, ruthless, vicious, brutal, harsh, villainous buruk sekali terrible, crappy, abominable, execrable, awkward, villainous Definisi villainous adjektiva relating to, constituting, or guilty of wicked or criminal behavior. his group of villainous accomplices are wreaking havoc on …
Terjemahan dari jubilation nomina sorak kegirangan jubilation sorak kegembiraan jubilation Definisi jubilation nomina a feeling of great happiness and triumph. The scenes of relief and jubilation were awe-inspiring and extra-time loomed. sinonim: exultation, joy, joyousness, elation, euphoria, rejoicing, ecstasy, rapture, glee, gleefulness, exuberance Sinonim nomina exultation, joy, joyousness, elation, euphoria, rejoicing, ecstasy, rapture, glee, gleefulness,exuberance …
Terjemahan dari glitter verba berkilau sparkle, shimmer, glisten, glitter, glare, glint berkelip twinkle, blink, flicker, sparkle, glitter, nictitate berkelip-kelip glitter, twinkle, flicker, nictitate, nictate, shimmer mengilau glitter, sparkle bergemerlapan shine, glitter, sparkle berkerlap flicker, glitter berkerlip flicker, glitter berapi-api spark, glitter, shine nomina gemerlapan glitter, luster, brilliance, brilliancy, lustre kilau luster, sparkle, sheen, shine, shimmer, …