Swiver artinya memutar, memutarkan, atau putaran a coupling between two parts enabling one to revolve without turning the other. Patented swivel axle keeps all three wheels on the ground even on sharp turns. turn around a point or axis or on a swivel. he swiveled in the chair sinonim: turn, rotate, revolve, pivot, swing, spin, twirl, whirl, wheel, gyrate, pirouette Contoh In my opinion the best …
cuddle artinya mengemong, atau memeluk dengan penuh kasih sayang Contoh Kalimat : The revised plans for the block have been posted in an obscure place which only the people parking their cars for a quick kiss and a cuddle will see. Actually, what she means is that she thinks I’m a sucker for a …
Terjemahan dari quarters nomina tempat tinggal residence, place, dwelling, habitation, quarters, dwelling place markas hangout, quarters, office, army post ruang room, space, chamber, hall, ward, quarters ruangan room, space, chamber, hall, ward, quarters kuartir quarters pondokan hostel, lodging, quarters, lodgment, lodgement, a place to stay Definisi quarter nomina each of four equal or corresponding parts …
Terjemahan dari ointment nomina urapan ointment, cream obat salep ointment salap unguent, ointment, salve, inunction balsem balm, balsam, ointment obat salap ointment, salve palit ointment Definisi ointment nomina a smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic. Apply a moisturizer cream or ointment if the perineal skin …
Terjemahan dari demise nomina kematian death, mortality, demise, fatality, grave, bereavement kemangkatan death, demise pemberian warisan demise verba menyewakan rent, lease, hire out, let, demise, let out memberi warisan demise Definisi demise nomina a person’s death. Mr. Grisenthwaite’s tragic demise sinonim: death, dying, passing, loss of life, end, quietus, decease, expiry conveyance or transfer of …