Terjemahan dari admonish verba menegur rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reprove, scold, address memperingatkan warn, remind, forewarn, admonish mengingatkan remind, warn, bring to mind, admonish, think, impress menasihati advise, exhort, admonish, preach, lecture Definisi admonish verba warn or reprimand someone firmly. she admonished me for appearing at breakfast unshaven sinonim: reprimand, rebuke, scold, reprove, reproach, upbraid, chastise, …
Terjemahan dari malt nomina gandum terendam air malt Definisi malt verba convert (grain) into malt. barley is grown for malting Sinonim nomina malted milk, malted malt liquor Contoh So your best bets are brown rice syrup and barley malt , which are higher in nutrient content and are metabolized more slowly than white sugar. malt …
Terjemahan dari detonate verba meledakkan blow up, detonate, set off, explode, blast, let off meledak explode, blow up, burst out, erupt, detonate, go off meletuskan pop, explode, detonate, let off, blow up, implode meletus erupt, burst, explode, pop, break out, detonate Definisi detonate verba explode or cause to explode. two other bombs failed to detonate …
Terjemahan dari voluminous adjektiva produktif productive, prolific, voluminous, fecund luas comprehensive, spacious, extensive, wide, broad, voluminous besar sekali huge, immense, enormous, tremendous, overwhelming, voluminous Definisi voluminous adjektiva occupying or containing much space; large in volume, in particular. As the first notes sounded, that cramped little room metamorphosed into a voluminous space. Sinonim adjektiva capacious, roomy, …
Terjemahan dari sincerity nomina ketulusan sincerity, integrity, honesty, veracity, candor, rectitude kesungguhan seriousness, sincerity, earnestness, sooth, solemnity, truth keikhlasan sincerity, heartiness, grace kejujuran honesty, fairness, integrity, verity, sincerity, veracity ketulusan hati sincerity, honesty, integrity, candor, probity, veracity Definisi sincerity nomina the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. the sincerity of his beliefs …