Terjemahan dari rout verba mengusir drive away, drive out, repel, cast out, evict, rout menghancurkan destroy, crush, smash, ruin, demolish, rout mencukur shave, shear, razor, rout, walk over, lick mengalahkan sama sekali rout, conk, put to rout, defeat utterly, smite nomina kekalahan defeat, whopping, loss, losing, rout, drubbing berontak rout, ruction sampah masyarakat ragtag, crum, …
Artikel Sumber It is difficult to change someone‘s opinion by badgering him. The child who begs his mother to “get off his back” when she implores him for some assistance with the household drudgery, may very well plead interminably for some special privilege when he wants something for himself. How paradoxical that neither is able …
Terjemahan dari champaign nomina padang field, champaign adjektiva datar dan terbuka champaign Definisi Champaign nomina open level countryside. nomina a city in east central Illinois, home to the University of Illinois; population 79,389 (est. 2008). Sinonim champaign nomina plain, field Lihat juga champaign Comments comments
Terjemahan dari reprehensible adjektiva tercela despicable, disgraceful, reprehensible, deplorable, ignoble, ignominious yg patut dicela reprovable, reprehensible, censurable, culpable yg patut dipersalahkan culpable, reprehensible yg patut dihukum punishable, culpable, reprehensible Definisi reprehensible adjektiva deserving censure or condemnation. his complacency and reprehensible laxity sinonim: deplorable, disgraceful, discreditable, despicable, blameworthy, culpable, wrong, bad, shameful, dishonorable, objectionable, opprobrious, repugnant, …
Terjemahan dari mull verba memikirkan think, consider, reflect, dwell, contemplate, mull mempertimbangkan consider, take into consideration, examine, allow, judge, mull memperkusut mull, dishevel, tangle, disorder, puzzle, perplex mengusuntukan tangle, disarrange, entangle, tousle, clutter, mull memikir think, consider, speculate, ponder, care, mull nomina kekusutan clutter, tangle, plexus, snarl, convolution, mull tanjung cape, headland, promontory, foreland, bluff, …