The irate 80-year-old manager pressed charges against K.O. Mullins, suing him for assault. As tangible evidence of the attact, he pointed to a deep laceration over his eyebrow which had required ten stiches. When the case was brought before the court, the judge castigated Mullins for the sordid incident. In addition to a costly financial settlement, Mullins was required to make a public apology to the octogenarian.
- Press charged against – mengajukan tuntukan hukum terhadap
- Assault – serangan, penyergapan
- tangible – nyata dan jelas
- laceration – bekas luka
- eyebrow – alis mata
- stich – jahitan
- Brought before the court – disidangkan
- castigate – menghukum
- sordid – kotor, memalukan
- costly – mahal
- settlement – penyelesaian
- octogenarian – orang yg umurnya sekitar 80 tahunan
Sample Sentences:
- The medic reached into his kit to find a bandage for the ugly laceration.
- Mr. Dixon belittled our request for tangible proof of his loyalty.
- The kindly foreman was too reticent to openly castigate the clumsy new worker.
- Then the teenager announced her engagement to the octogenarian, the public suspected it to the publicity stunt.
- Stories of their sordid youth poured forth from the unhappy felons.